TLDR #36 - The Mystery of Childish Gambino

Monday, September 15, 2014 - 11:01 AM

Childish Gambino Donald Glover Childish Gambino, AKA Donald Glover (Daniel Patlán/Flickr)

Rapper Childish Gambino (A.K.A actor Donald Glover) famously claims to have received his rap pseudonym, "Childish Gambino," from an online Wu-Tang Name generator. But investigating whether this story is true or not led TLDR host Alex Goldman on an odyssey of discovery.

Thanks for listening! If you want to receive your own Wu-Tang name, check out the original Wu-Tang Name Generator here, and the other wu-tang name generator here. You can read Tim Carmody's article about the mystery of Childish Gambino at kottke.orgIf you like our show, please subscribe to us on iTunes. You can follow PJ and Alex and TLDR on Twitter. 


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