Rocky Mountain Heist

Friday, October 31, 2014

Citizens United's most recent film, Rocky Mountain Heist, was in the news earlier this month after a federal court allowed it to be aired as a documentary despite its lack of financial disclosures. But the issue of disclosure extends beyond the films release. It's also at the heart of the director's casting method. Bob talks with Professor Seth Masket, an unwitting cast member of the film, who recently wrote about his experience for the Washington Post


Seth Masket

Hosted by:

Bob Garfield

Comments [3]

Mark Richard from WOSU

What is evil is the effort by traditional media corporations to suppress the speech of their rivals. CU gets slammed for doing the same thing on behalf of 'the right' that Sundance-ready documentaries routinely do for the 'left'. The only difference is that the right-wing audience is not calling for FEC regulation of lefty documentaires, while the lefties are plainly trying to suppress speech they don't like. That's why such right-wing shills as the ACLU, Floyd Abrams, and Michael Kinsley supported the plaintiffs in 'Citizens United'. A point OTM does not make.

Nov. 07 2014 05:01 PM
John W. Garrett from Boulder

Professor Masket just demonstrated a gullibility that disqualifies him as a reliable source.

Nov. 02 2014 06:21 PM

Raise your hand if you still think the GOP isn't evil.

Nov. 01 2014 04:38 PM

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