TLDR #23 - A Bitcoin Story for People Who Don't Care About Bitcoin

Tuesday, September 09, 2014 - 01:47 PM

Hal and Fran Finney (courtesy: Fran Finney)

This is a repeat of TLDR #23

When Wired reporter Andy Greenberg read Newsweek's cover story claiming to have found mysterious Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto, he was disappointed. Not so much that the mystery had been solved, but that the answer to the search was not all that interesting. But then, as the Newsweek started getting picked apart, he got a tip about another possible Bitcoin creator: a very ill, very brilliant cryptographer named Hal Finney. 

Andy Greenberg is the author of This Machine Kills Secrets: How WikiLeakers, Cypherpunks, and Hacktivists Aim to Free the World's Information.

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Comments [2]

Alex from Moscow

You can try -
Best way to earn bitcoins

Nov. 01 2014 08:00 PM
Harry from uk

Well, a lot of people have come forward and claimed to have a helping hand in creating Bitcoin. Regardless, as long as BTC continues and there are sites where you can <a href="">earn free bitcoin</a> then i'll be happy!

Sep. 27 2014 06:47 AM

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