Sanity on Ebola, Money and Midterms, & #GamerGate

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Friday, October 24, 2014

A Breaking News Consumer's Handbook: Infectious Disease Edition, "dark money" in midterm elections, and demystifying #GamerGate. 

Breaking News Consumer's Handbook: Infectious Disease Edition

Panic over the Ebola virus in the U.S. has dominated cable news. So, we put together a template to help the discerning news consumer see through the media's over-the-top coverage.

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Grabbing the Gavel

A new study finds that TV ads attacking state supreme court justices during elections influence both who makes the bench and how the law is laid down. 

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A Modest Election Finance Reform Proposal (That Might Actually Work)

"Dark money," political donations that cannot be traced to any person or organization, is buying an avalanche of ads in states with big mid-term elections this year. 

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Remembering Legendary Editor Ben Bradlee

Bob remembers the legendary Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee, who died this Tuesday at age 93. 

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Condemning #GamerGate

Christopher Grant, Editor in Chief of Polygon, explains #GamerGate and his approach to speaking out against the video game industry's latest misogyny problems. 

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Ask Leah

Leah Reich was a 24-year old writing for a video game website who accidentally became Advisor-in-Chief to thousands of lonely teenaged boys. Including reporter PJ Vogt. 
