• Hassle-Free WordPress Hosting

    WP Engine Offers the Best Fully-Managed WordPress Hosting Platform

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WP Engine's security is the best. They're proactive, and on top of every security vector. We're 100% confident with WP Engine protecting our client sites from the bad guys.
Mike Zielonka
Cofounder and Dir of Strategy, Tuna Traffic
Took a screenshot when I hit the front page of Reddit. 1299 concurrent users and rock solid! Thanks guys!
Space Industry News
I appreciate that WP Engine are true WordPress experts, so when there is a technical issue with a plugin they are always there to help me out. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
Neal Schaffer
Author, Speaker
They “get” community, because they are PART of it. I like the folks WP Engine, and I'll happily recommend them any day of the week.
Matt Cromwell
Solutions Manager, FooPlugins
WP Engine gives me the peace of mind that my site is the fastest it could possibly be, no matter how much traffic I get. They are WordPress experts and backed by a very strong team. Worth every penny!
Scott Kingsley Clark
Developer, WebDevStudios

Our Customers Love Us

But You Don't Have To Take Our Word for it...

Its performance: there’s no way you can get the same level of results yourself.

Jordi Cabot

The speed is incredible. I have had my problems with slow and unreliable hosting providers and all those problems went away using WP Engine.

Peter Sundwall Hansen
Freelance Web Developer

They offered stable, secure hosting that would accommodate all my clients. I have the peace of mind that comes from having an entire team on my side.

Shawn Hesketh

We only just transferred our first site over – we’re a WP dev and marketing studio – our site is now loading 16 seconds faster than before the switch.

Amber Ludwig
Insightful Development

My site loads ridiculously fast, my page views are up, and my business is seeing the results. I rest easy at night with the level of support. My only regret: that I didn’t move to WP Engine sooner.

Phil Simon
Author, Speaker, Consultant
Phil Simon Systems

I highly recommend WP Engine’s managed WordPress hosting services. Uptime has been excellent, and support always goes out of their way to help.

Jean Galea
WordPress Developer - Blogger

WP Engine is absolutely superior in every way to me continuing to host the blog myself. I suggest that you use them if you are using WordPress for a business

Patrick McKenzie
Entreprenuer, Blogger, Consultant
Kalzumeus Software

I’ve outsourced WordPress and server maintenance to WP Engine. Stuff slowing me down – but that I couldn’t afford to hire someone to deal with.

Hugh Hancock
Founder, Blogger
MMO Melting Pot

I don’t have to worry about my WP sites. I know they’re going to be up, be fast, and be backed up without me thinking about it.

Brian Dusablon
IT Consultant
Duce Enterprises

Support. Speed. Security.

Quit Worrying and Let Us Run WordPress for You

EverCache Technology

Google says they lose 20% of their traffic for each additional 100 milliseconds it takes a page to load. Speed matters. Google also incorporates your page-load time into your site’s search rankings. Faster sites win, literally. That’s why WP Engine hosting services custom-built our EverCache technology to deliver WordPress fast enough for Google, and at scale.

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Insanely Fast. Robust Scalability.

Never configure a caching plugin again. Our WordPress hosting architecture is hand-tuned to deliver you the fastest WordPress hosting around. And we give you our word that we’ll never take your site offline for having too much traffic.

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WordPress Hacked? We’ll fix it free!

We automatically scan for, and fix, hacking attempts to secure your site. Our guarantee: We’ll do everything we can to ensure your WordPress site won’t get hacked. And if your WordPress site still gets hacked, WP Engine hosting services will fix it…at no additional charge to you.

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Backed Up. Secured. Proactively.

No more wrestling with (or paying extra for) backups! We include a one-click backup and restore option — at no extra charge. And we install WordPress security updates proactively — so you can sleep easily at night. No other WordPress host secures you like we do.

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WordPress features you asked for

We took requests from WordPress site owners like you, and implemented some amazing hosting features. For instance, your WP Engine hosting account comes with a WordPress staging area, so you can deploy new pages, themes, or site changes without worrying about crashing your site. Our customers love this–you will, too.

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Curated Plugins & Themes

Befuddled by the thousands of plugins available? Not sure which WordPress theme is the best for you? We’ll suggest the best based on our own experiences. We love working with the WordPress community and third party plugin developers to make sure you don’t waste time trying to find the best WordPress plugin.

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Power Tools for Power Users

We love WordPress developers and have an array of tools and services to help you build the best custom WordPress sites.

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Assistance with Moving Your Site

Moving to WP Engine is easy and painless. We have a trusted 3rd-party partner to assist you with moving your site.

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All the Technical Details

If you’re a geek (like us), you wanna check out the geeky hosting stuff.

No problem. It’s right here:

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Expert WordPress Support

A lot of hosting companies say they have “great support”, but few can claim that a WordPress hosting expert will answer all your questions. At WP Engine, there’s no “first level” of support. The entire staff at WP Engine are the best WordPress experts, so you never hear “We don’t know how to do that.”

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Choose The Perfect Plan

Managed WordPress Hosting that Fits Your Needs
per month
  • 1 WordPress Install
  • 25,000 visits / mo.
  • Unlimited Data Transfer
  • 10GB Local Storage
per month
  • 10 WordPress Installs
  • 100,000 visits / mo.
  • Unlimited Data Transfer
  • 20GB Local Storage
per month
  • 25 WordPress Installs
  • 400,000 visits / mo.
  • Unlimited Data Transfer
  • 30GB Local Storage
$Let's Talk!
  • 25+ WordPress Installs
  • Millions of visits / mo.
  • Dedicated Environment
  • Customized to Fit Needs

An Enterprise WordPress Platform so Agile

It Moves at The Speed of The Market

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"We never have to think about WP Engine or our blog infrastructure - we know it's always working, it's always fast, and that any questions or concerns we have will be answered quickly. All we have to focus on is building great content and driving traffic to it."
Justin Krause
Marketing Operations
"Hosting our sites at WPEngine allows me to sleep better at night by knowing that a top-notch scalability and security team is taking care of them much better than I ever could."
Peldi Guilizzoni
Founder and CEO
"Uptime and speed are very important to us, and we can rest easy knowing we are fully supported by WP Engine."
Joe Lambe
Director of Demand Generation
"After hosting several high traffic WordPress sites it’s a relief to come to WP Engine. At SoundCloud we were looking for a hassle free provider to set up our blogs at, which we found in these guys. Swift replies, but also very open to feedback and eager to improve. Almost like unicorns!"
Roel van der Ven

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