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Worldwide Events

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  1. World Lowest Temperature for November 13
    The world's lowest temperature for November 13 was -57 degrees and occurred at Verhojansk, Russia
  2. World Highest Temperature for November 13
    The world's highest temperature for November 13 was 111 degrees and occurred at Birdsville, Australia
  3. 5.7 earthquake
    There was a 5.7 earthquake that occurred near on November 13, 2014 at 05:24 am Eastern Time. This is considered a moderate earthquake with possible major damage to poorly constructed buildings and slight damage to well-designed buildings. This temblor occurred at a depth of 10 km, which is a shallow-focus earthquake (0-70 km deep).
  4. 5.5 earthquake Port-vila
    There was a 5.5 earthquake that occurred near Port-vila on November 13, 2014 at 07:21 am Eastern Time. This is considered a moderate earthquake with possible major damage to poorly constructed buildings and slight damage to well-designed buildings. This temblor occurred at a depth of 218.51 km, which is a deep-forcus earthquake (> 70 km deep).
  5. 4.6 earthquake Lakeview
    There was a 4.6 earthquake that occurred near Lakeview on November 13, 2014 at 01:36 am Eastern Time. This is considered a light earthquake with significant damage unlikely. This temblor occurred at a depth of 0 km, which is a shallow-focus earthquake (0-70 km deep).
  6. Tillamook, OR set a record high temperature of 84 for Nov 13
  7. Wolf Point, MT set a record low temperature of -7 for Nov 13
  8. Emporia, KS set a record low temperature of 12 for Nov 13
  9. Challis, ID set a record low temperature of 1 for Nov 13
  10. Moriarty, NM set a record low temperature of 11 for Nov 13