Results for #FrackFreeDenton

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  1. What we just did: A few thoughts from vice president Adam Briggle |

  2. pretty stupid move, . Get Educated~

  3. Support & property rights! prepares battle Roden, Leza & McMullen great article

  4. Game on! . Awesome!

  5. from , the Bush family is suing my hometown for banning

  6. "Let's go get drunk and not frack"

  7. Die Fracking-Rebellen aus Texas

  8. Congratulations to the people of Denton, Texas!

  9. says its ban will stand up in court--and warns lawmakers against overturning the vote.

  10. We PASSED the ban on fracking in our city! First city in Texas!

  11. And Denton-TX banned fracking. Another silver lining in tonight's election

  12. One pc of TX bad news: fearmongering wins as haters of American energy win a fracking ban in Denton,a bohemian college town

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