Unlimited Themes

Get full access to all our premium themes

Get Unlimited Themes
  • You need a WordPress.com site to purchase this upgrade.

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More than 80 professional themes

This upgrade will give you one year of unlimited access to all our standard and premium themes on your site. More than 200 themes available to make your website truly yours.

A flat yearly fee gives you access to all the themes.

Customizable themes to make your site stand out

Our premium themes are chock-full of options like layouts, sliders, and showcase templates. Each theme has been carefully designed to help you present your message to the world.

Combine our premium themes with a Custom Design upgrade to make your site even more unique with custom fonts and colors.

What you’ll get with this upgrade

  • 200+ themes, the full catalog
  • 80+ premium themes, all usable
  • Access to support directly from the theme authors

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