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Bill de Blasio: When Democrats "Veer Away" From Core Principles, Voters Stay Home

NYC MAYOR BILL DE BLASIO: Look at the Democrats who won, including in some tough places. Al Franken in Minnesota. Great example. Challenged Wall Street, talked about economic reality, talked about how people are hurting and the middle class is falling apart. We have to do something about it. Won handily in a state that Republicans have done well in recent years.

Look around the country: Jerry Brown raises taxes on millionaires for education, wins handily. Dannel Malloy was supposed to be a dead man walking. He gave people paid sick leave, raised the minimum wage, he taxed the wealthy to increase education, these clear messages of addressing economic reality and being real Democrats, being proud, progressive Democrats, folks are going to vote for the real thing. But when Democrats veer away from that, Democrats stay home and other folks aren't --

CHRIS HAYES, MSNBC: [Connecticut Gov.] Dan Malloy is a great example: Here's a guy, he squeaked by, and he got pummeled. I guess my feeling is: conservatism is a real thing out there, and it will fight tooth and nail and people are often persuaded by those arguments.

BILL DE BLASIO: It was because Dan Malloy was up against such massive resources that I make my point. The same with Al Franken. The folks who were up against huge resources and failed anyway because they had a message that actually meant something to people. Look, what you said before: folks in this country have lost faith in Democrats including Democrats losing faith in their own party. That's because Democrats aren't speaking to economic reality.

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