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WSJ's Jason Riley vs. Juan Williams on Obamacare: Typical Liberal Moral Superiority To Us Yokels In Flyover Country


JASON RILEY, WALL STREET JOURNAL: I thank him for his honesty. Here you have the head of the Obamacare braintrust, basically telling us that the president's signature piece of legislation is based on deceit and lies and I thank him for his honesty. A lot of us on the political right knew this all along, but it's nice to hear it coming from Gruber and company...

JUAN WILLIAMS, COLUMNIST: The big issue here is it creates anxiety, uncertainty about the law and I think puts a bad varnish on it. As Jason said it's a gift to the critics of Obamacare because, you know, it's all sausage making, and this is very unpleasant. But the fact is everything gets marketed from soap to, you know, ball games. We all market and there is a lot of spin in Washington when it comes to legislation.

People can look back at how much, you know, is it the case that the Iraqi oil reserves are going to pay for the cost of war or look back to the prescription drug --

RILEY: This isn't the war.

WILLIAMS: I think it is spin.

RILEY: It's more than spin.

WILLIAMS: I think it is spin. I will say this, I can't believe that he has talked about the stupidity of the American voter. I think that's inexcusable. It's rude.

RILEY: This is very representative of the left's mind set, their moral superiority. They're not only morally superior, they're also more intelligent. And they need to explain things to us yokels out there in flyover country. And we can't think for ourselves. We can't choose our healthcare for ourselves. We can't choose our doctors for ourselves. We need elites telling us how to do these things.

WILLIAMS: I think there's a different point to be made which is that some people actually think it's lowered the number of people who lack insurance in this country which is a [good thing].

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