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Krauthammer: Obamacare Deception "Exactly What Conservatives Have Been Saying For Years," "True Voice Of Liberal Arrogance"

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer ripped Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber and other supporters of healthcare reform for their "liberal arrogance" and "deception" when it came to passing the legislation on Tuesday's broadcast of FOX News' O'Reilly Factor. Krauthammer said supporters believed Americans are stupid and deception was the only way to "lead the masses to the promised land."

"This is exactly what conservatives have been saying for four years, what we're hearing now is the true voice of liberal arrogance," Krauthammer said. "They believe this. They believe that the voters are stupid, as he said. And they believe that they know the right way, they have to lead the masses to the promised land and they can only do it by deception."

Krauthammer also said this is a "scandal of the media" for not exposing what the bill really was, a massive transfer of wealth.

"They lied about every aspect of this," Krauthammer said. "That is what has been charged all along and it is a scandal of the media that this has to be discovered in the sixth year of the presidency rather than talked about at the time when it was obvious they were lying about all this. The idea of it being a transfer of wealth was known from the beginning, but they got away with it."

BILL O'REILLY: Obamacare. Now you heard the MIT guy [Jonathan] Gruber saying, you know what? We conned everybody. They weren't paying attention. They don't really care. And it's not what it was sold as. And you say?

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: This is exactly what conservatives have been saying for four years, what we're hearing now is the true voice of liberal arrogance. They believe this. They believe that the voters are stupid, as he said. And they believe that they know the right way, they have to lead the masses to the promised land and they can only do it by deception. And that's what he said openly. We wanted to get the bill. We didn't care about how we did it so we lied about everything. We lied about if you can keep the plan knowing that you can't keep your plan. We lied about the fact that this would be a transfer of wealth, a massive transfer of wealth because, as Gruber said, had they known that, it would never have passed. They lied about every aspect of this. And I think that is what has been charged all along and it is a scandal of the media that this has to be discovered in the sixth year of the presidency rather than talked about at the time when it was obvious they were lying about all this. The idea of it being a transfer of wealth was known from the beginning, but they got away with it.

O'REILLY: But really they didn't get away with it because the new Congress is going to gut the bill, and if there's a new president who is a Republican -- and I even think if Hillary Clinton is elected president, they'll have to redo Obamacare because they're going to tie it around her neck, particularly in a debate situation, around Mrs. Clinton's neck. Are you supporting this? Would you change it? Tell us how. So I don't thing Obamacare is going to last a long time in this country, Charles.

KRAUTHAMMER: Well, I don't either. I do think probably the fatal blow will come from the Supreme Court. That's the key thing. In June we will get a ruling on whether the government is allowed to offer subsidies from the federal Obamacare exchange. Without that, it collapses.

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