Gallup World Poll

What the Whole World Is Thinking

Scientifically Measuring Attitudes and Behaviors Worldwide

Gallup World Poll

In every corner of the Earth, the Gallup World Poll tracks the opinions that matter most. Using data available nowhere else, Gallup can analyze over 100 crucial world issues affecting people's lives -- issues such as the global economic meltdown, the Arab Spring, the earthquake in Haiti, good jobs and bad jobs worldwide, confidence in institutions, and societal instability.

The World Poll is based on a framework called the Gallup Macroeconomic Path, a leadership model for successful societies. Each step on the path links to a set of survey questions that Gallup asks across each country. This approach makes it possible to track historical trends and make direct cross-country comparisons.

The Gallup Macroeconomic

Gallup conducts nationally representative surveys face to face or via telephone in more than 160 countries and in over 140 languages, covering the emerging and developed world.
Many well-known organizations and influential academics use the World Poll to enhance their research and shape their work, either by accessing World Poll raw data, interacting with advanced aggregate data through Gallup Analytics, or adding questions to the global survey to create a new global data set for a specific set of indicators. Gallup also conducts custom analytics for organizations on a proprietary basis.

Renowned projects that have used the Gallup World Poll include:

Dr. George Gallup said, "If democracy is about the will of the people, shouldn't someone find out what that will is?" With the creation of the Gallup World Poll in 2005, Gallup launched a 100-year initiative to measure the will of every person living in every corner of the earth. The Gallup World Poll has become the global gold standard of worldwide polling.

Gallup Knowledge
Core Items Included in the Gallup World Poll

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