If You Have a Security Camera, You Should Change Your Default Password. Now.

Categories: Public Safety

Insecam.com Screenshot
There are 40 more pages of Dallas-based cameras.
Insecam is a super-creepy Moscow-based website that is currently streaming footage from 73,000 unsecured IP cameras. The site says it's doing it to promote security -- it is able to access the cameras because their owners never changed their default password -- but clearly has revenue-generating ads.

There are feeds from every state, multiple foreign countries and, as you can see from pages 408 to 449 of the United States section, 243 from Dallas.

If you have an IP camera and you never set a password, there's a good chance footage from the camera is being streamed on the site. Lucky for you, there's an easy fix. Change your flippin' password.

(h/t Gizmodo)


My Voice Nation Help

I love technology--It used to be you needed a gun, some testicular fortitude and if you were damned lucky you could rob a bank of a few hundred dollars--and have a dye pack explode all over you--

With your computer, you can have access to millions of credit cards or bank accounts, transfer funds half-way round the world in a millisecond and not get dye all over you

TheRuddSki topcommenter

The ruskies are probing wherever they can, making opportunistic moves, because America is a big pussy now. They know that our anger ain't shit.

Maybe Obama can pull a Carter and mollify them.


I'm going to sit around in my underwear watch football and flip off the soviets then change my password on Monday.


First!  And don't tell the NSA about this.


Write Eat me Putin on yoir bum and moon em, a la Bart.


@ColonelAngus They don't need it. Ever wonder why the government make people put smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in every room of your house? It's because they all have cameras that's why! I don't have any smoke or CO detectors in my house. In fact I'm leaving the gas on right now to spite the government spies. 

Boy, I'm sleepy this evening. Hey, Batman is here. Hello batmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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