Content tagged with "Drinking Water"


The Fracking Fight Goes to Washington

Dusty Horwitt | September 10, 2013

Gasland’s Josh Fox taken away in cuffs

Lauren Pagel | February 1, 2012

Groups denounce attack on EPA investigation of fracking contamination

Gwen Lachelt | January 17, 2012

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Hydraulic Fracturing 101


Joint comments to EPA re draft guidance for underground injection of diesel during fracking

NRDC, Earthworks, CCE, Clean Water Action, Clean Water Network, Conejos Clean Water, Delaware Riverkeeper, Environment America, People's Oil & Gas Collaborative, Powder River Basin Resource Council, San Luis Valley Ecosystem Council, Sierra Club | August 23, 2012

Safe Drinking Water Act should cover hydraulic fracturing

Bruce Baizel & Dusty Horwitt | June 9, 2009

Our Drinking Water at Risk - Executive Summary

Lisa Sumi | April 8, 2005

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Washington, D.C. City Council opposes fracking in George Washington National Forest

Earthworks | Wednesday, March 05, 2014

New EPA Fracking Diesel Guidance Step in Right Direction

Earthworks | Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Organizations Demand PADEP Reveal all Data from Water Tests, Provide Information to Homeowners

Earthworks, et al | Wednesday, November 14, 2012

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Garfield County, CO

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