Obama calls Rick Perry, Dallas leaders “indispensable partners” in Ebola response; Gov wants attention from Ebola czar

President Obama before a meeting with his cabinet on Friday. (AP/Evan Vucci)

update Saturday 1:30pm

A White House aide clarified that Ron Klain spoke with Gov. Rick Perry his second day on the job the White House as Ebola czar.

update Saturday 12:15pm

State and federal officials will meet Friday in Austin to discuss Ebola preparation and response. And White House Ebola czar Ron Klain spoke with the state’s health commissioner, Dr. David Lakey, on Friday after the president’s call with Gov. Perry, Lakey and Dallas’ mayor and county judge.

More in the the new blog post here.


4:40pm — updated with comments from Gov. Rick Perry’s office.

Gov. Perry asked the president to rectify the fact that state health officials have not been contacted or spoken with the administration’s so-called Ebola czar, Ron Klain. He invited Klain to Texas to meet with top experts.

“The president readily agreed,” promising that Klain would contact Dr. Lakey, according to Perry’s office, which provided more details of the call.

Obama also agreed to have Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell look into Texas A&M University’s application to manufacture ZMapp, an Ebola treatment.

Lastly, Perry asked for more “streamlined and accurate” information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the event of future Ebola cases. And he asked the president to prod CDC to reexamine Ebola-related guidelines for waste disposal; lab testing; hospitals that can treat Ebola; and handling of remains of Ebola victims.

original post

WASHINGTON – President Obama marked the end of Dallas’ bout with Ebola this afternoon in a call with Gov. Rick Perry and Dallas leaders.

It marked a rare direct interaction between the president and the governor.

The call also included Texas Health Commissioner Dr. David Lakey, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins, and Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings.

“The president offered his gratitude to all four for the leadership they consistently displayed throughout this challenging and uncharted experience,” a White House aide said.

The president called them “true and indispensable partners, and that the federal, state, and local cooperation that emerged now serves as a national model. The President also extended his appreciation to local public health officials as well as to the people of Dallas whose strength and resilience helped reassure the nation.”

The last person potentially exposed to Ebola in Dallas has now passed the 21-day monitoring period.

Obama “noted that, with this milestone, those in Dallas who came into contact with Thomas Duncan, the since-deceased Ebola patient, or nurses Nina Pham and Amber Vinson, among the healthcare professionals who so heroically tended to him, are no longer at risk of developing the disease,” the White House said.

Obama breaks bread (and ice) with Cornyn and other congressional leaders

President Obama meets over lunch with Congressional leaders in the Old Family Dining Room of the White House on Friday. From left are House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio, Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. (AP/Evan Vucci)

update 2:20

After the meeting, Cornyn said he used the rare face-to-face encounter with the president to press his view that so-called comprehensive immigration reform is doomed. Only a piecemeal approach has a chance to enactment, he said — and Obama would make cooperation difficult if he issues executive orders conferring legal status on people in the country without permission. His full statement:

“The American people sent a strong message Tuesday that they want Washington to work together, and I made clear to the President that we should tackle immigration reform together on a step-by-step basis, beginning with border security and respect for the rule of law.

“Unfortunately the President’s promise to unilaterally go around Congress ignores the message voters sent on Election Day. It is my sincere hope that he will reverse course and work with us – not around us – to secure the border and achieve real reforms to our immigration system.”

update 2pm

The congressional leaders left the White House without speaking with reporters.

original post

WASHINGTON — Sen. John Cornyn is at the White House, joining other congressional leaders for an intimate lunch with President Obama that may or may not clear the air, set a new tone, and end the gridlock.

The menu, apart from some humble pie for the Democrats:

Bibb Lettuce, Frisee and Endive
Heirloom Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Toasted Shallot Dressing

Herb Crusted Sea Bass, Tomato-Lemon Confit Grilled Vegetables

Pumpkin Tart
Vanilla Whipped Cream
Candied Ginger

Cornyn was seated across from the president, who spoke with reporters for a few minutes before lunch was served. Speaker John Boehner, his majority padded to levels Republican haven’t enjoyed in decades, sat to Obama’s right. To the president’s left: Sen. Harry Reid, whom voters stripped of his title as majority leader on Tuesday night in a huge GOP sweep. Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader poised to take Reid’s job when the lame duck Congress ends and the new one is sworn in in early January, sat on the other side of Reid.

Cornyn is the deputy GOP leader and will become the second most powerful member of the Senate.

“What we’ve seen now for a number of cycles is that the American people just want to see work done here in Washington. They get frustrated by the gridlock. They’d like to see more cooperation. All of us have the responsibility, me in particular, to try to make that happen,” Obama said. “This gives us a good opportunity to explore where we can make progress on behalf of the people who sent us here.”

Water glasses in front of the president and his guests were filled. Wine glasses were empty, and there was no sign yet of lunch on the elegant green-and-white chinaware adorned with the presidential seal. Nor was there any Kentucky bourbon in sight; the Obama-McConnell bourbon summit will wait for another day.

The venue was the Old Family Dining Room. We’ll let you know if these were old dishes.

Obama said he’s committed to Boehner and McConnell that “I am not going to judge ideas based on whether they are Democratic or Republican. I’m going to be judging them based on whether or not they work. And I’m confident that they want to produce results as well on behalf of the American people.”

Cornyn’s expectations heading into the lunch were… low.


Boehner warned Thursday that Obama would make a huge error by issuing executive orders granting amnesty to anyone in the country illegally. “He will poison the well and there will be no chance for immigration reform” in the new Congress, he said. “When you play with matches, you take the risk of burning yourself.”

White House spokesman Josh Earnest, briefing reporters as the lunch began, reiterated the president’s intention to issue such orders as promised, but Obama made no mention of immigration — at least not at the outset of the lunch, with cameras and reporters on hand.

Rep. Smith disappointed by Obama’s executive order “threats”

WASHINGTON – Rep. Lamar Smith, R-San Antonio, admonished President Obama today for planning to issue an executive order on immigration.

Speaking on Bloomberg TV, Smith said it was disappointing “that the president is threatening Congress and threatening the American people with these executive orders.”

“He shouldn’t go it alone. He should work with Congress and then we can come up with a good product,” Smith said.

Obama said that he would likely issue an executive order on immigration before the end of the year. He has not outlined exactly what such an order would do, but Smith claimed it would “give amnesty to millions of people.”

Congress’ attempts to enact immigration reform have failed. Last year, House Speaker John Boehner refused to take up a bipartisan Senate bill that would have offered illegal immigrants a pathway to citizenship, and beefed up security along the southern border.

Smith said the Senate bill lacks sufficient border security measures, and it would entice more people to immigrate illegally.

“We’re opposed to that bill because it is massive amnesty, and it never really secures the border,” he said.

The president said yesterday that he would rather that Congress pass an immigration bill than issue an executive order himself. Such a bill would replace whatever action he took.

But he also added that “before the end of the year, we’re going to take whatever lawful actions that I can take, that I believe will improve the functioning of our immigration system.”

According to Smith, Republicans wouldn’t let that slide. He said they would try to block the order by defunding its programs or filing a lawsuit.

Smith said that an executive order on immigration would make it difficult to work with Obama on other legislation.

“When he does this he’s going to frankly poison the barrel and make it awfully hard to work with him on other issues,” Smith said. “If he wants to accomplish anything lasting on immigration, he’s going to have to work with Congress and not just issue these executive orders.”

Obama holds phone conference for Wendy Davis and Texas Democrats

Wendy Davis was flanked by her father and her daughters during her 2012 victory speech in Fort Worth.

Wendy Davis was flanked by her father and her daughters during her 2012 victory speech in Fort Worth. (File 2012)

President Barack Obama participated in a tele-conference call this morning with thousands of Texas Democrats, joined by governor nominee Wendy Davis and lieutenant governor nominee Leticia Van de Putte.

The president urged participants to get out and vote, warning Democratic apathy would leave Republicans dominating statewide offices.

Republican Greg Abbott, whose campaign ads have tried to link the unpopular president directly to Davis, jumped on the connection.

“In the final hours of the election, President Obama is going all in for Sen. Davis, making a personal appeal to push their shared agenda of bigger government, more regulations, higher taxes and fewer jobs,” said Abbott spokesman Matt Hirsch.

The Abbott campaign has been running statewide TV ads for weeks that portray Obama as governor in the event Davis won the office. The two have not appeared together in public.

On the phone call, billed as a electronic town hall meeting, were also former Dallas Mayor Ron Kirk and Houston Sen. Rodney Ellis.

The phone call was a motivator for Democrats to get out and vote, said Davis spokesman Zac Petkanas.

“The goal in an election is to get more of your supporters out to the polls than the other guy’s,” said Petkanas. “That’s what this call was desigend to do and we trust it will.”

Dr. Brantly joins Obama to encourage Ebola volunteers in West Africa, tamp down calls for quarantines and travel bans

Medical professionals in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea "have fought a valiant effort against this menace," Dr. Kent Brantly said, but more are "desperately needed."

Medical professionals in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea "have fought with valiant effort against this menace," Dr. Kent Brantly said, but more are "desperately needed." (Olivier Douliery/Abaca Press)

updated with comments from NJ Gov. Chris Christie

WASHINGTON – Dr. Kent Brantly, the Fort Worth doctor who became the first American to contract Ebola in treating patients in West Africa, starred at a White House event meant to put a spotlight on the need for health care workers to volunteer to fight the outbreak.

The medical professionals of the three nations battling Ebola – Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea – “have fought with valiant effort against this menace,” Brantly said, introducing President Obama. “More medical professional are desperately needed.”

Obama warned that the United States “can’t hermetically seal ourselves off” from the rest of the world. He urged the public and state leaders to set aside fear — a term he invoked four times in 15 minutes, in pointed remarks aimed at displaying displeasure with state-level efforts to quarantine nurses and doctors returning from the Ebola hot zone.

“If we’re discouraging our health care workers who are prepared to make these sacrifices … then we’re not doing our job” in terms of protecting Americans, Obama asserted. “What we need right now is these shock troops who are out there leading globally. We can’t discourage that. We’ve got to encourage it and applaud it.”

Behind the scenes, the White House pressured governors in New Jersey and New York to ease policies regarding returning health care workers.

Several hundred guests filled seats in the ornate East Room of the White House.

Obama warned against reacting to fear, hysteria or misinformation. One reason the world looks to America, he said, is because of its cool- headed response to a crisis.

The president was flanked by doctors and other health workers, many in white lab coats.

Brantly’s wife, Amber, sat in the front row, and Obama joked that her husband had gained some weight since the last time he was at the White House more than a month ago, shortly after recovering from his own bout with Ebola.

“Each of you studied medicine because you wanted to save lives. The world needs you more than ever,” the president said.

The health care workers serving in Africa, Obama said, are a “shining example” to the world. And he vowed that with ongoing efforts, international efforts will “contain and ultimately snuff out this outbreak of Ebola.”

“I know that with all the headlines and all the news, that people are scared. … But the reason I’m so proud of this country is because when there are times for us to step up and do the right thing, we do the right thing,” Obama said,

With indirect language, he needled and mocked critics — including many political conservatives — who speak of “exceptionalism” but then promote policies such as travel bans and quarantines. These, he said, amount, to pretending the problem will go away.

“When I hear people talking about American leadership, and then are promoting policies that would avoid leadership and have us running in the opposite direction and hiding under the covers, it makes me a little frustrated,” he said.

In New Jersey, Gov. Chris Christie, head of the Republican Governors Association and a possible 2016 White House contender, blasted Obama for issuing “lectures.”

He called it “common sense” to isolate health workers returning from working with Ebola patients in West Africa for the full 21-day incubation period.

“This is our policy. It will be our policy as long as this crisis is going on,” he told reporters. “I don’t know when the White House is going to get around to admitting that and not giving us seven-minute lectures from the South Lawn.”

And he took issue with the idea that quarantines will discourage volunteers.

“It’s part of the sacrifice. I’m sure none of these folks want to come home and get anybody else sick… Folks should understand. Part of the sacrifice is going over there and the remainder of the sacrifice is when you come home,” remaining quarantined for three weeks, Christie said.

Brantly is medical missions director for Samaritan’s Purse. He contracted Ebola while working in Liberia, and was the first person treated for Ebola in the United States. He has donated blood plasma to other patients since being cured at Emory University Hospital.

The group behind the president included doctors and others who either have worked against Ebola in West Africa or plan to travel there soon. Doctors and nurses who treated Dallas nurse Nina Pham at NIH were also on stage and in the audience, along with healthcare workers from a variety of nonprofit groups and others.

The president’s new “Ebola czar,” Ron Klain, was on hand, along with a Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health and a number of top White House aides, including homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco, Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell and National Security Adviser Susan Rice.

Now Ebola-free, Pham gets a hug from Obama at the White House

President Obama gives a hug to Dallas nurse Nina Pham in the Oval Office on Oct. 24. (Photo by Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON — Hours after being declared Ebola-free, Dallas nurse Nina Pham got a hug from President Barack Obama in the Oval Office.

Pham met with Obama on Friday afternoon and is scheduled to return to Dallas later today. This morning, she was discharged from the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md., where she has been in isolation since Oct. 16.

“I feel fortunate and blessed to be standing here today,” Pham told reporters at NIH, flanked by her sister and mother.

Pham walks alongside Anthony Fauci of the NIH at the White House. (Kimberly Railey/The Dallas Morning News)

Her sister, Catherine, and mother, Diana, joined her at the White House. They sat next to Pham on a couch in the Oval Office, across from Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at NIH.

Also present were Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell, Pham’s primary doctor Dr. Richard Davey Jr., and Dr. Cliff Lane of the NIH.

Pham beamed when Obama hugged her, as photojournalists captured the moment.

Afterward, Pham was smiling and appeared in good spirits. The 26-year-old was the first American nurse to contract Ebola on U.S. soil.

White House press secretary Josh Earnest said no special precautions were needed or taken, because her doctors had given her a “clean bill of health.”

Wendy Davis denies avoiding President Obama and says she would be “thrilled” if he came to Texas

While some Democrats have avoided President Obama, Democrat Wendy Davis says “I’ve never backed away” from him and would be “thrilled” if he came to Texas to campaign for her gubernatorial bid. Asked today whether she has asked Obama to campaign with her, Davis said no. “I imagine he’s busy doing other things,” she told reporters.

Wendy Davis tells campaign volunteers in Austin early-voting figures look good for Democrats (Wayne Slater)

The issue flared earlier in the campaign when Obama, who is not popular in Texas, came to the state but Davis was campaigning elsewhere. They did meet once in Austin during a 50th anniversary symposium on the Civil Rights Act. But the meeting was private and the media weren’t invited to photograph them together.

In several states, Republican candidates in senate and governor races have sought to link their Democratic opponents to Obama and his policies. Democrats have pushed back, in some cases declining to say even whether they’d voted for him for president. Republican Greg Abbott is running an ad with their pictures side-by-side. Asked about the president, Davis denied she’s tried to avoid him.

“I would be thrilled if he or the Clintons would want to come and help,” she told reporters Wednesday at a campaign event in Austin. “I was pleased that Michelle Obama was willing to record a radio ad for me. And I’m very honored to have their support and the support of so many prominent Democrats across this country.”

Abbott was pressing the message Wednesday that Davis was an Obama acolyte. At a campaign rally in San Antonio with actor Chuck Norris, Abbott told GOP supporters a vote for Davis a vote for Obama policies.

At the Austin event, Davis criticized Abbott for refusing to say whether he would have opposed interracial marriage had he been attorney general years ago when some states banned it. Abbott has said his job as attorney general is to defend the law on the books, not pick and choose what he wanted to defended. Abbott is in court fighting a challenge to the state’s ban on gay marriage. Asked last week if he would have defended the interracial marriage ban in the same away when it was on the books, Abbott refused to answer, saying the question was hypothetical.

Davis: “I was just shocked that in the year 2014, Greg Abbott refused to answer the question of whether he would defend a ban on interracial marriage. We’ve moved decades beyond that. It was a simple question, with a simple answer. And the fact that he won’t answer it raises concerns.”

Ebola: President Obama speaks with Dallas healthcare workers

Cole Edmonson, chief nursing officer at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas, speaks to President Obama, who called from The White House to offer words of encouragement and support to a team of caregivers today. (photo courtesy Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas)

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama today spoke with several “frontline healthcare workers” at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, including some who cared for Ebola patients.

“The President thanked the healthcare workers for their unflagging dedication and for their tireless efforts to treat these patients despite the difficult conditions,” according to a White House aide. “More broadly, he also noted that our nation’s doctors, nurses, lab technicians, and other healthcare staff work long hours under stressful conditions, and are absolutely indispensable.”

Two nurses from Presbyterian Hospital are being treated for Ebola, at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md., and at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta. Both had treated Thomas Eric Duncan, the Liberian who died of Ebola on Oct. 8.

Seen through the window of the Oval Office, President Obama gets an update on Ebola in Dallas from Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell on Oct. 12. (AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

The president will meet later this afternoon with his new Ebola “czar,” Ron Klain. But meanwhile, he wanted to reach out to Dallas healthcare workers.

“He offered his personal thanks to this group on behalf of a grateful nation,” the aide said.

Obama sends White House aide to Dallas to coordinate Ebola response

White House aide Adrian Saenz

WASHINGTON –The president is dispatching a top aide to Dallas to coordinate Ebola response.

Adrian Saenz, a seasoned political operative from Texas who has worked in Congress and, for the last 13 months, at the White House will serve as the administration’s Dallas-based liaison.

“Saenz will be on the ground in Dallas and in close coordination with senior White House officials involved in the Ebola response, including Ron Klain, the Ebola Response Coordinator,” a White House aide said.

The deployment helps to “fulfill the president’s pledge that state and local authorities are able to call upon any and all necessary federal resources,” he added.

Saenz joined the White House staff in September 2013 as deputy director of Intergovernmental Affairs, leading a team that works with state and local officials. In the 2012 Obama campaign he served as National Latino Vote Director. He was Texas state director for the Obama campaign during the 2008 primary. In 2006 he was national field director for the Democrats’ U.S. House campaign arm. He was a top immigration strategist at Organizing for America, the group that evolved from the Obama campaign apparatus, before joining the administration.

In Congress, he served as chief of staff to then-Rep. Ciro Rodriguez, D-San Antonio, and in other roles.

In other measures, the White House also is naming a Texas coordinator for Ebola response “to ensure we adequately leverage appropriate state-level assets.” Gov Rick Perry has selected W. Nim Kidd, chief of the Texas Division of Emergency Management and Assistant Director, Texas Department of Public Safety, for that post.

The president also has named a FEMA coordinator, Kevin Hannes, to work with Kidd and ensure adequate federal assistance in Dallas. Hannes currently oversees FEMA operations in North Texas.

Dim views from Texas on Obama’s Ebola czar

WASHINGTON — President Obama’s decision today to name a so-called “Ebola czar” to oversee the federal response is drawing scathing reviews from many Texas Republicans — and some praise.

House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul, R-Austin, called it “an important and necessary step to name an Ebola coordinator.” But he said, Ron Klain — a former chief of staff to Vice President Joe Biden, a job he also held under Vice President Al Gore — isn’t the right person.

McCaul noted that previous administrations had special advisers on biodefense policy with solid scientific and medical backgrounds. “While the president’s pick may have the ear of the White House and experience from the campaign trail, I am concerned he doesn’t have significant relationships in the medical community that are imperative during this current biological emergency,” McCaul said.

Sen. Ted Cruz blasted the choice entirely.

“We don’t need another so-called ‘czar,’ ” he said in statement. “We need presidential leadership. This is a public health crisis, and the answer isn’t another White House political operative. The answer is a commander in chief who stands up and leads, banning flights from Ebola-afflicted nations and acting decisively to secure our southern border.”

There is no evidence that Ebola has entered the United States through Mexico.

Cruz called for an emergency session of Congress to enact a flight ban.

House Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton, R-Mich., echoed McCaul’s view. He wasn’t impressed by a czar without a medical background.

“What has been missing from this administration’s response to Ebola is not a new figurehead; what we need is a strategy to get ahead of this, and restore the public’s faith that they are safe,” he said.