Olympic champion Dani King suffers five broken ribs and punctured lung

King crashes after training group hit pothole in Wales
Rider praises ‘amazing NHS’ in tweet from intensive care
Dani King
Dani King won Olympic gold in the team pursuit at London 2012 but has since moved over from track to road racing. Photograph: Bryn Lennon/Getty Images

Dani King is recovering in hospital after a training accident left the 23-year-old with five broken ribs and a punctured lung.

The team pursuit Olympic champion crashed on a regular training route in Wales after a member of her training group hit a pothole.

King, who is in intensive care, wrote on Twitter: “Crashed whilst out training yesterday resulting in 5 broken ribs and a collapsed lung. Being looked after by the amazing NHS ICU in Wales.”

The Cardiff-based rider won gold at the London 2012 Olympics but has opted out of British Cycling’s track squad this season to focus on the road.

The track team, including King’s fellow Olympic champion Laura Trott, are riding in the first round of the track World Cup in Mexico. Trott tweeted to King: ‘Sending lots of best wishes to @DaniKing1 this morning after a horrible crash #speedyrecovery X’