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Ted Cruz: Ban travel from African nations battling Ebola

Justin Hayworth/The Associated Press
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, talked with supporters in September at an Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition fundraiser in Des Moines.

WASHINGTON — Sen. Ted Cruz called Tuesday for a ban on travelers from West African countries grappling with Ebola.

“Common sense dictates that we should impose a travel ban on commercial airline flights from nations afflicted by Ebola,” he said by phone from Texas. “There’s no reason to allow ongoing commercial air traffic out of those countries.”

Public polls show broad support for barring the entry of travelers from those countries. But top public health experts argue that such a ban would hamper efforts to control the outbreak in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea — making an international pandemic more likely.

“If we do things that unintentionally make it harder to get that response in, to get supplies in, that make it harder for those governments to manage ... it’s going to become much harder to stop the outbreak at the source,” Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Monday. “If that were to happen, it would spread for more months and potentially to other countries, and that would increase rather than decrease the risk to Americans.”

Cruz agreed that the United States should send medical teams and supplies. But he said military transports would suffice.

“Health care personnel can be brought in on military C-130 flights,” he said. “The risks of epidemic are far too large for us to allow unimpeded commercial flights.”

No U.S. airline serves Liberia, Sierra Leone or Guinea.

Reaching the U.S. from those countries usually requires a flight to Paris, London or Brussels. Thomas Eric Duncan, who died of Ebola last week in Dallas, flew from Liberia through Brussels and Washington Dulles.

A Cruz aide clarified that the senator isn’t advocating the grounding of flights to and from West Africa — something the U.S. would have a hard time enforcing. He just wants to block people from those countries from entering the United States.

The International Air Transport Association in Geneva has opposed a ban on flights to the region, following the lead of the World Health Organization, which said Tuesday that the outbreak in the three countries “remains out of control.”

CDC estimates that 150 travelers arrive in the United States each day from the three afflicted countries.

International traffic from those countries has dropped by two-thirds since May, as airlines halted or curbed service, according to OAG, a provider of global aviation information.

The Obama administration has resisted a travel ban, on the grounds that would make it harder to attack the outbreak at the source.

Last week, the president ordered screening at the five U.S. airports that handle 94 percent of travelers from West Africa. The screening started Sunday at JFK International in New York and will be in place by Thursday at Newark, Atlanta, Chicago O’Hare and Washington Dulles.

Cruz called the screening of inbound passengers “a positive step, but it doesn’t go nearly far enough.” He noted that people can be carrying the virus but not yet showing symptoms.

He called the Ebola outbreak in West Africa a “public health and national security threat” and noted the disruption and worry caused by just two cases in Dallas.

“Our capacity to handle a widespread Ebola outbreak is limited,” he said.

A number of Texas lawmakers have demanded screening at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport and Houston’s Bush Intercontinental Airport. Several have demanded travel bans. House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul, R-Austin, has called for cutting off visas for West Africans.

Follow Todd J. Gillman on Twitter at @toddgillman.

AT A GLANCE: Americans support ban

WASHINGTON — Americans strongly support a ban on travel from West Africa, a new poll released Tuesday shows.

Two-thirds of Americans support the idea of barring entry into the country for people coming from Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, the Washington Post/ABC News found. And 91 percent want tighter screening at U.S. airports.

The poll of 1,006 adults was conducted Thursday through Sunday and has an error margin of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points, meaning results can vary by that much in either direction.

Todd J. Gillman

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