Content tagged with "Tceq"


Fracking the Eagle Ford—TCEQ’s nondenial

Alan Septoff | September 30, 2013

Texas OGAP to hold meeting to provide feedback on Texas oversight of drilling/fracking.

Alan Septoff | September 24, 2010

TCEQ sees no evil in current gas industry oversight. Texas family sees otherwise.

Alan Septoff | September 23, 2010


No issues articles contain that tag.


Reckless Endangerment While Fracking the Eagle Ford Shale

Sharon Wilson, Lisa Sumi, Wilma Subra | September 19, 2013

Reckless Endangerment while Fracking the Eagle Ford (Summary)

Earthworks | September 18, 2013

Natural Gas Flowback: the Dark Side of the Boom

Earthworks | April 14, 2011

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Drilling for Certainty: The Latest in Fracking Health Studies

ProPublica | Naveena Sadasivam | Wednesday, March 05, 2014

New Report: Fracking Pollution Sickening Residents in TX, Regulators Walk Away

Earthworks | Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tests Find Banned Carcinogen in Air Near Fracking Sites

Earthworks | Tuesday, August 23, 2011

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Sandra DenBraber

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RT @FrackFreeCo: Boulder Commissioners Announce Intentions Regarding Fracking Moratorium -
#Fracking emissions rules yield little benefit along #Colorado's Front Range: via @bymarkjaffe

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