Joint comments opposing abandonment of EPA methane emission estimates for unconventional gas wells

Joint comments opposing abandonment of EPA methane emission estimates for unconventional gas wells

PUBLICATION DATE: February 17, 2012

AUTHOR: Center for Biological Diversity, Clean Air Task Force, Earthjustice, Earthworks, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, WildEarth Guardians

SUMMARY: The environmental community opposes the Chamber of Commerce request under the Information Quality Act for the Environmental Protection Agency to abandon its methodology for estimating methane emission estimates for the completion of unconventional natural gas well completions (i.e. fracked wells).

Top Three Asks for the Susquehanna River Basin Commission

Top Three Asks for the Susquehanna River Basin Commission

PUBLICATION DATE: February 14, 2012

AUTHOR: Earthworks, Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper, Sierra Club PA Chapter

SUMMARY: The following information has been developed for use in activities focusing on SRBC issues, such as meetings, action alerts, written comments, and testimony.

Earthworks New York SGEIS comments

Earthworks New York SGEIS comments

PUBLICATION DATE: January 11, 2012

AUTHOR: Nadia Steinzor

Testimony in support of hydraulic fracturing disclosure in Montana

Testimony in support of hydraulic fracturing disclosure in Montana

PUBLICATION DATE: January 21, 2011

AUTHOR: Jennifer Goldman

New York Department of Environmental Conservation Scoping Comments

New York Department of Environmental Conservation Scoping Comments

PUBLICATION DATE: December 17, 2008

AUTHOR: Bruce Baizel

Joint Comments on the Marcellus Shale Scoping Draft

Joint Comments on the Marcellus Shale Scoping Draft

PUBLICATION DATE: December 17, 2008

AUTHOR: Kate Sinding

New York City Public Testimony 9/10/08

New York City Public Testimony 9/10/08

PUBLICATION DATE: September 15, 2008

AUTHOR: Bruce Baziel

OGAP Bozeman Pass Regulation Comments

OGAP Bozeman Pass Regulation Comments


AUTHOR: Jennifer Goldman

Letter to Deputy Assistant Secretary Fulton

Letter to Deputy Assistant Secretary Fulton

PUBLICATION DATE: August 2, 2002

SUMMARY: Because of regional variances and differences in governing legislation, to be credible, the task force must hold meetings with interested environmental and community groups working on coal, oil and gas, and hard rock minerals. It is critical that the task force have meetings on each issue in different regions of the country.

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RT @FrackFreeCo: Boulder Commissioners Announce Intentions Regarding Fracking Moratorium -
#Fracking emissions rules yield little benefit along #Colorado's Front Range: via @bymarkjaffe

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