
texas supreme court

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End of the Line Nears for Texas Landowner’s Fight Against Keystone XL

A challenge to state law that allows private companies to take land for pipelines will not be heard by the Supreme Court of Texas. Julia Trigg Crawford, a Northeast Texas landowner has been fighting the controversial Keystone XL pipeline for several years. Crawford has lost several rounds and appeals in her case that argues her [...]

Does Fracking ‘Steal’ Oil & Gas From Neighbors?

Pumpjack in oilfield in Houston

When it comes to settling disputes over who owns the oil & gas in Texas, the state’s law struck a federal judge as anything but fair. After reviewing an opinion by the Texas Supreme Court, he said it was more like theft. “The Garza opinion gives oil and gas operators a blank check to steal [...]

Eminent Domain Casts its Long Shadow Over the Texas Legislature

Today in a Beaumont courthouse, Jefferson County Judge Tom Rugg will hear yet another case concerning the Keystone XL pipeline. As we’ve reported, the Canadian company TransCanada has visited a few Texas courthouses lately. Always at issue is whether it can take private property in Texas to build the Keystone XL pipeline. And Judge Rugg [...]

Texas Supreme Court Reinforces Denbury Decision on Eminent Domain. Again.

Pipe is stacked at the southern site of the Keystone XL pipeline in Cushing, Oklahoma. Construction of the southern leg began last week.

For the third time, The Texas Supreme Court has ruled against a pipeline company’s use of eminent domain. But the oil and gas industry did not give this one up without a fight. Here’s some background: In a landmark ruling at the Texas Supreme Court last August, a rice farmer in Beaumont (along with a [...]

War of Words over Supreme Court Beach Ruling

Damaged beach front homes are seen on Galveston Island after the passing of Hurricane Ike September 13, 2008 in Galveston, Texas.

A recent ruling by the Texas Supreme Court wasn’t very well-received by the General Land Office (GLO). In a 5–3 opinion, the Court ruled that the GLO couldn’t force a beachfront homeowner, Carol Severance, to move her house after a Hurricane eroded the public beach in front of it. After the hurricane, that beach was gone, [...]

For General Land Office, New Texas Supreme Court Ruling is a Real “Beach”

Damaged beach front homes are seen on Galveston Island after the passing of Hurricane Ike September 13, 2008 in Galveston, Texas.

Planning to go to a Texas beach this summer? If you’re hoping to hit the public beach at Galveston’s West End, you might find it’s now private property, thanks to a new ruling from the Texas Supreme Court. In a 5-3 opinion, the Court ruled that “the State claims that it is entitled to an easement on [...]

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