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What Scientists Are Learning About Sharks in the Gulf

It’s early August, and that means that this week millions of Americans are watching one of TV’s greatest aquatic traditions: Shark Week on the Discovery Channel. Texans, whose state borders a body of water teeming with sharks of all sizes and species may want to take special notice. According to Dr. Greg Stunz, there are [...]

Why a New Law Aims to Ban Shark Fins in Texas

Shark fins for sale in Texas (like the ones in the this photo from China) would be banned under proposed legislation.

We all know there are sharks in the Gulf of Mexico. But why would Texas lawmakers care? A bill that went before the Senate Natural Resources Committee Tuesday says they should. State Senator Larry Taylor, R-Friendswood, whose district includes Galveston, filed Senate Bill 572, which would outlaw the buying and selling of shark fins. Shark fins are [...]

No Soup For You! Lawmaker Wants to Take Shark Fin Off the Menu

Workers process shark fins drying in the sun covering the roof of a factory building in Hong Kong on January 2, 2013. A new Texas bill could ban shark fin products and sales in Texas.

Update: On March 5, the Senate version of the shark fin bill got a hearing at the Capitol. Read about that here.  Early next month, shark fins will bring a rare mix of folks together at the Texas Capitol. That’s when Rep. Eddie Lucio, D-Harlingen, Hollywood star (and “Friday Night Lights“ alum) Kyle Chandler, his daughter and the [...]

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