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Is the Oil Boom Helping Prices at the Pump?

Texas is getting more oil out of the ground than it has since the great boom of the 1970s. And it’s not alone: the oil fields of North Dakota are, for the first time ever, producing over one million barrels a day. Across the country, the boom has lead to predictions that the U.S. will [...]

Why Gulf Coast Refineries Started 2013 With Less Oil

A new federal analysis shows that oil inventories at Gulf Coast refineries typically decline in December, as companies have to pay their taxes.

Despite a drilling bonanza in Texas and other parts of the country leading to high levels of domestic oil and gas production, gasoline prices have been on the rise lately. Since mid-January, average prices at the pump went up from $3.37 to $3.81. It’s a bit of a head-scratcher: if we’re producing more and more [...]

How Much Oil is Texas Producing? (Plenty.)

A drilling crew takes a break atop Spindletop Hill in Beaumont, Texas where the first Texas oil gusher was discovered January 10, 1901. Texas is seeing an oil boom again today.

Texas oil producers opened up the throttle on oil production in 2012. The state hasn’t seen such a banner year in oil output for nearly two decades, according to new numbers reported in Fuel Fix. November 2012 production of crude oil was up about 73 percent compared to the same time in 2011, according to [...]

Why Are Gas Prices So High? A Multimedia Guide By Climate Desk

Gas prices are going down, and may continue to do so.

[<a href="" target="_blank">View the story "The Gas Prices Are High. Here's Why." on Storify</a>] The folks at Climate Desk, a collaborative project from several major media groups on the climate, has put together a new multimedia story on why gas prices have been going up lately. You can view the presentation above.

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