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What’s Moved, What Hasn’t, and What Comes Next at the Texas Lege

As the final week of the 83rd Legislative Session kicks into gear we can expect a flurry of activity at the Capitol. Lawmakers will be trying to pass a slew of bills that could affect Texas' water, energy and environment.

With precious little time left in Texas’ 83rd Legislative session, lawmakers will be working this week to vote still-living bills out of the House and Senate. StateImpact Texas has compiled a short list of some bills related to water, energy and the environment that have made it through or may still have a shot. (This [...]

Drink Up: New Bill Would Give You Cash Back For Empties

Finishing a six-pack could soon become a more profitable endeavor. A bill introduced to the House, HB 1473 by Rep. Eddie Rodriguez, D-Austin, HB-calls for cash incentives for recycling many beverage containers. State Senator Rodney Ellis has also introduced the same bill into the senate. The bill would require many beverage containers to be refundable, [...]

Thanks to Limits, Flounder Making a Comeback on Texas Coast

Shrimp fisherman wait to board their boats following Hurricane Ike September 15, 2008 in Galveston, Texas.

Captain Dan, the ‘Flounder Man’ has been hunting flounder on the Texas coast for more than 30 years. In the dark of night, Captain Dan escorts his clients along the Gulf shore in his brightly lit skiff and stalks flounder laying on the sandy floor. Armed with miniature tridents set on poles, his clients wait [...]

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