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Surface Casing Estimator Help General Instructions: How to use Surface Casing Estimator's user interface
Specific Tool Instructions: How to use individual map tool buttons
Understanding basic terminology: Casing Diagram
General Instructions: How to use Surface Casing Information Tools
Find a location (Navigation Tools): Manual zooming and panning:
  1. Use the mouse wheel or the scale bar at the left of the map to zoom the map view in and out.
  2. When zoomed in, well names appear on the map.
  3. Click and drag on the map to pan the view.
Using the Go to Latitude/Longitude feature:
  1. Click the Zoom to Lat/Long button.
  2. Enter Latitude and Longitude (using decimal degrees).
  3. Click the "Go" button.
  4. The map will translate to the desired location, and mark that spot.
Obtain Casing information for a location
  1. Click on the Casing Data tool button.
  2. Click on the location on the map.
  3. Casing information is displayed in a callout window.
  4. Print the information using the browser's built-in print function.
View well logs
  1. Click the View Well Log button
  2. Click on any of the well location markers (green crosses).
  3. The name of the selected well will be displayed in a callout window.
  4. Click the "View Log" link to open a popup window containing the scanned log image.
Specific Tool Instructions: How to use the Map Tool Buttons
Casing Tools
Casing button icon Click on any point on the map to obtain casing depth information.
Log button icon Click on wells (represented as green crosses) to obtain well log information. Once the name of the well is displayed on the screen, click the "View Log" link to open the log image in a separate window.
Survey Info icon Click on the map to look up more detailed information related to the surveys.
Map Tools
Identify button icon Click on the map to identify features from the selected layer. The selected layer can be changed using the pull down box located above the map.
Measure button icon Use this to measure the distance between two points on the map. Click on the first point, and then click on the second point, and the distance is computed automatically. The measurement units can be adjusted using the pulldown box located above the map.
Click on this to open the Go to X/Y dialog. In the dialog, enter the latitude (Y) and longitude (X) of the location you want to see, and click on the "Go" button, and the map will be panned to that location at the current zoom level.
Cycle Overlay Click on this to cycle through transparency options for the Surface Casing Application map overlay. Three options are available - fully transparent, 50% transparency, and fully opaque.
Click on this to pan and zoom the map to show approximately the full extent of the state of Texas.
Go to County Click on this to open the county dialog. You will be presented with a list of counties for which surface casing data have been created. Click on the desired county and the map will pan to the center of that county.
Understanding Basic Terminologies: Casing Diagram

This diagram identifies the data points returned by the casing tool, and as stated by the casing information form.

Diagram of casing zones
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