
The original guardian of the Montrose Beach Dog Friendly Area, MonDog's mission is to ensure Chicago residents and their canine friends have a fun, clean, and safe beach experience.  A completely volunteer organization, MonDog endeavors to represent the dog beach community with an emphasis on owner participation and responsibility.  MonDog is committed to the ongoing preservation and improvement of Montrose Dog Beach through owner education, volunteer support, and community partnerships.  Please show your support by making a generous donation to MonDog today. MonDog does not share or distribute members info, or send spam to our email list. 


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December 6th 3rd Annual Santa Paws Pawty at the Beach

Come to the beach so your pooch can visit with Santa Paws and tell him what he wants for Christmas and have a photo op.



Several items can be found in the lost and found box at the entrance to Montrose Dog Friendly area including: a note about a found iPhone with contact information. In addition to looking in the box, you can also write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  for the telephone number. There are also car keys and house keys and a few other odds and ends.

The beach is gradually getting back to normal.  The Park District has thankfully dug out one of the buried trash bins and restored it and others to their places on the beach.  The wave action that at one point came into the boat launch area has resculpted the beach to eliminate the "lagoon" thatwe had in the center of the beach.  As of 11/4/2014, a dog or person could walk all over the beach and stay dry!


Below are some photos of the beach showing the storm and its effects.


Those bags aren't free!


The Bag dispensers at the entrances have been a great help in keeping the beach clean, but they aren't free.  Mondog purchases bags and fills the bag dispensers on the Dog Beach.

Donating to Mondog is a great way to support the dog beach, and keep those dispensers full. Help us help you keep Montrose Dog Beach safe and clean by making a donation today.



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