Former President George W. Bush signs copies of “41: A Portrait of My Father” at Dallas Barnes & Noble store

More than 1,000 people were expected to pass through security Thursday morning at a Dallas Barnes & Noble store to have former President George W. Bush sign copies of 41: A Portrait of My Father, which gets its official release today.

Former President George W. Bush signs copies of "41: A Portrait of My Father" Thursday morning at the Barnes & Noble store on Northwest Highway in Dallas.

Former President George W. Bush signs copies of 41: A Portrait of My Father. (David Woo/Staff Photographer)

The book, a biography of former President George H.W. Bush, is “a love story,” the younger Bush told our Tom Benning in an interview earlier this week.

The book gets its title from common shorthand of “41″ and “43″ used to distinguish between W. and H.W. when talking about the former presidents named George Bush. H.W. was the 41st person to hold the office, W. the 43rd.

George W. Bush also appeared on NBC’s Today show Monday to discuss the book:

Tea Party fave Rinaldi wins big in 115

Update 10:45 p.m.: Nearly all precincts are in, and Rinaldi holds a 17-point lead. There’s not much more to say about this one.

Update 10 p.m.: And with more than half the precincts counted, Rinaldi’s lead has barely shrunk. Show’s over.

Update 7 p.m.: Early voting totals are in, and Rinaldi looks to be sharing in a strong night for Republicans. He’s up 18 points.

Original post:

Matt Rinaldi (left) and Paul Stafford

Tea Party favorite Matt Rinaldi has already knocked off Bennett Ratliff in the Republican primary. Political watchers expect him to easily beat Democrat Paul Stafford and take House District 115 tonight.

Early voting results should soon tell us if there’s any chance of an upset, so stay tuned for updates.

Meantime, here’s a little background on the matchup.

Ex Dallas City Council member headed to statehouse in District 102

No surprises in the North Dallas-anchored House District 102, where Republican Linda Koop holds a nearly 2-to-1 lead over Democrat George Clayton.

That means Koop, having already held office at Dallas City Hall, is on her way to Austin.

Voters overwhelmingly agree to give TxDOT more road funds

Construction continues on the $798 million dollar Horseshoe Project near downtown Dallas in July. Proposition 1 on the Nov. 4 ballot would partially shore up TxDOT's estimated annual $5 billion shortfall. (David Woo/The Dallas Morning News)

Texans overwhelmingly agreed today to steer billions in existing tax revenues to the state transportation department, which estimated it faced a $5 billion annual shortfall. Landslide approval of Proposition 1 allows lawmakers to send some oil and gas production tax revenues currently headed for a swelling savings account instead to the Texas Department of Transportation.

The constitutional amendment is expected to give TxDOT an additional $1.7 billion a year. But even Proposition 1 supporters say lawmakers still need to better fund the agency’s needs. Those supporters plan to frame Tuesday’s dramatic victory as a mandate from voters as they lobby legislators for more transportation funds.

“It’s truly only taking care of one-third of the shortfall,” said Scott Haywood, president of Move Texas Forward, a non-profit whose political action committee backed the amendment.

The amendment is supported by a litany of chambers of commerce and business groups. Haywood said transportation infrastructure is needed for the economic viability of the state.

“Businesses understand for them to succeed and the economy of the state to succeed, we’ve got to get good infrastructure,” he said. “Transportation is a huge part of that.”

Proposition 1 dictates that the new funds must be used on highway maintenance and construction and that they can’t be used on projects with tolling components.

“These funds will be used for new road construction, road maintenance, safety improvements, and repair of roads in the energy sectors,” said TxDOT spokesman Tony Hartzel. “None of these funds will be used for toll roads.”

Even if the measure passes, TxDOT won’t get the additional funds free and clear. First, only production taxes above the amount generated in 1987 are eligible to go to the highway fund. Together, natural gas and oil production generated $1.1 billion in taxes in 1987. In recent years, they’ve generated more than triple that amount.

Second, the money only goes to TxDOT after the state’s savings account is funded to a certain level. A committee of the Texas House will determine what level is acceptable every two years. Texas Comptroller Susan Combs expects the state’s savings account, commonly called the “rainy day fund,” to have more than $8 billion in it by the end of the current fiscal year. That number includes the estimated $1.7 billion that would be transferred to the state highway fund if Proposition 1 passes.

TxDOT had an operating budget of about $11.7 billion last year. About $3.4 billion of that came from the state highway fund, the same account that would get an infusion from Proposition 1’s passage. The vast majority of the highway account’s funds have come from gas tax revenue and vehicle registration fees.

The gas tax drivers pay at the pump has remained at a flat 20 cents per gallon since 1991. Inflation, rising construction costs and increasingly fuel efficient vehicles have dramatically reduced TxDOT’s spending power – and Texans’ contributions to roads – in the 23 years since.

Lawmakers have traditionally been reluctant to raise the tax rate for fear of retribution from voters at the ballot box. Legislators and Haywood have said they don’t see that changing next year. That approach has led to the proliferation of toll roads that continue to pop up across the state. North Texas will soon be to home the nation’s largest network of managed toll lanes, which are being added to several of the area’s aging highways.

Proposition 1 has been sold to voters as way to provide TxDOT with more money without raising taxes, issuing additional debt or building new toll roads.

“They’re getting a significant investment in the state’s infrastructure without paying additional funds for that investment,” Haywood said.

While all three points made by supporters are true of the potential new source of funds, it won’t eliminate the need for some or all of those mechanisms to shore up TxDOT’s estimated shortfall.

To further narrow the gap, lawmakers could end so-called diversions, their practice of balancing the state budget by funding the Department of Public Safety and Department and Motor Vehicles with money from the highway account.

They are also considering sending the sales tax on new vehicle purchases directly to TxDOT. Haywood said that source of funds automatically keeps pace with inflation and population growth – and the revenue stream already exists.

“It makes a lot of sense from a policy standpoint,” he said.

Republican Morgan Meyer beats rival by double-digits in race for open Dallas legislative seat

Update at 11 p.m.: With all but one precinct reporting, Republican Morgan Meyer will roll up a double-digit victory over Democrat Leigh Bailey. He’s got 61 percent of the vote.

Update at 10:20 p.m.: Meyer, the Republican, is still leading in House District 108. He’s got 60 percent of the votes with 40 of 66 precincts reporting.

Update at 9:50 p.m.: Republican Morgan Meyer continues to hold on to the lead as election returns roll in. He’s got 60 percent of the vote with 26 of 66 precincts reporting.

Update at 7 p.m.: Morgan Meyer is in the lead with 61 percent of early votes. His Democratic rival, Leigh Bailey, trails behind with 39 percent of early votes.

Original post: Texas House hopefuls and political newcomers Morgan Meyer and Leigh Bailey face off Tuesday for an open Dallas legislative seat.

Morgan Meyer and Leigh Bailey

Meyer, 40, the Republican, has an apparent edge in the GOP-heavy House District 108. The district covers central Dallas, the M Streets, the Park Cities and Preston Hollow. It’s been held by a Republican for over a decade.

But Bailey, 35, the Democrat, said she’s reached out to the area’s new and sporadic voters to try to make inroads. She said she’s run a more aggressive campaign that other Democrats who have competed in the district.

During the general election, Meyer and Bailey — both University Park lawyers — have clashed on abortion and fair pay laws. On abortion, Bailey supports it. Meyer opposes abortion except when the life of the woman is in danger.

Bailey knocked Meyer for opposing fair pay laws, aimed at abolishing wage disparity based on sex. In a mailer, she said Meyer’s policies “would set Texas back decades.”

Meyer rejected her criticism. He said he would support an equal pay bill, if it doesn’t duplicate federal law.

They also disagree on same-sex marriage, raising the minimum wage and whether Texas should issue driver’s permits to undocumented immigrants. Bailey favors all three, Meyer opposed.

Bailey says that Texas should accept federal money to expand Medicaid under the new health care law. Meyer backs Gov. Rick Perry’s decision to decline the funds.

In House District 107, Republican Kenneth Sheets fends off challenge by Democrat Carol Donovan

Update at 11:10 p.m.: Incumbent Rep. Kenneth Sheets looks like he’ll hold onto his seat in House District 107. He’s got 55 percent of the votes with 44 of 55 precincts reporting.

Update at 10:20 p.m.: Sheets has got 56 percent of the votes with 33 of 55 precincts reporting.

Update at 9:20 p.m.: Sheets has 56 percent of the votes with 10 of 55 precincts reporting.

Update at 7:10 p.m.: Rep. Kenneth Sheets, an incumbent Republican, is in the lead with early votes. He received 57 percent of them.

Democrat Carol Donovan, who is trying to unseat him, received 43 percent of early votes.

Original post: State Rep. Kenneth Sheets is trying to hold onto his seat in House District 107.

Kenneth Sheets

Sheets, an incumbent Republican, was elected in 2010. He faces a challenge from Democrat Carol Donovan in House District 107, which stretches through middle-class neighborhoods in northeast Dallas, Garland and Mesquite and affluent areas near White Rock Lake.

Donovan, 60, a lawyer, saw an opening after Sheets narrowly won re-election two years ago. Sheets won by less than 1,000 votes out of 50,000 votes cast.

Carol Donovan (Carol Donovan)

Sheets, 38, a lawyer, has emphasized economic policies during the campaign, such as keeping taxes low and limiting regulation. He said that Donovan underestimates concerns about border security and illegal immigration.

Donovan campaigned on access to health care and support for public education and infrastructure. She criticized Gov. Rick Perry for refusing to accept federal funding to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. She said the Legislature should restore all $5.7 billion in cuts to education funding.

Bexar ballot missing Abbott?

Reporter Jocelyn Tovar tweeted this photo of an alleged voting machine error in Bexar County.

A photo showing gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott’s name replaced with Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst in a Bexar County polling booth spurred confusion Tuesday afternoon as officials tried to determine if it was authentic.

Secretary of State’s Office spokeswoman Alicia Pierce said the incident was reported to her office after a local TV news reporter and Abbott himself tweeted the photo, but that county officials believed it wasn’t real.

“Our office has been in contact with Bexar County and they say the machine is operating fine,” Pierce said.

Abbott spokesman Matt Hirsch said his team was definitely aware of the photo, but had not confirmed whether it was real or fake.

The San Antonio Express News reported the machine, at Oak Hills Terrace Elementary School, had been taken out of service as a precaution, but that county officials believed the picture was “photoshopped.”

“This is a good time to remind people that if they have concerns about their ballot they should absolutely use the review screen and they should notify the poll worker before they hit ‘Cast Ballot,’” Pierce said.

Greg Abbott votes in Austin

UPDATE 5:31 pm: Abbott said he took the long wait to vote as a good sign.

While saying he feels confident, Abbott stressed that he is not taking anything for granted.

“I’m going to be campaigning today and through Election Day because I want to go out and earn everybody’s vote,” he said.

Abbott said he remains optimistic that he can win upwards of 40 percent of the Hispanic vote.

“I feel really good about the Rio Grande Valley because we’ve devoted a lot of resources down there,” he said, adding that he has made about 17 campaign stops in South Texas. He plans another round on Friday when he travels to Victoria and Edinburg.

Democratic opponent Wendy Davis has fought to defend the Democratic strength among Latinos and her campaign scoffs at the notion that Hispanics will turn out in record numbers for Abbott.

Davis points to his record of fighting as attorney general for a redistricting plan and for a Voter ID law, both of which federal judges have proclaimed intentionally discriminatory against Hispanic voters.

Abbott nevertheless has made Hispanic outreach a cornerstone of his campaign.

“We have more people on the ground in the Rio Grande Valley than Rick Perry had through the entire state of Texas,” during his gubernatorial campaigns, Abbott said Thursday.

He said he has received huge cheers whenever he mentions that his wife, Cecilia, would be the first Hispanic First Lady of Texas.

“My multi-cultural family has played a role in our ability to connect with the Rio Grande Valley,” Abbott said.

ORIGINAL POST: Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott waited in line about 30 minutes at an Austin Randall’s to vote on Thursday.

Several shoppers and voters recognized the GOP nominee and good naturedly asked who he was voting for.

Waving a sample ballot, Abbott laughed and said, “I’m looking it over. It’s a last minute decision.”

Joining the candidate was his wife Cecilia and 17-year-old daughter Audrey.

Susan Hawk outspending Craig Watkins in DA race

Republican Susan Hawk is dramatically outspending incumbent Democrat Craig Watkins as the race for Dallas County district attorney enters its final weekend.

Hawk, a former state district judge, raised $342,441 from Sept. 9 to Oct. 25. Financial reports released this week show she spent $416,886 during the same period and has $239,427 in her campaign account.

Meanwhile, Watkins, the two-term incumbent, raised $44,850 for the period and spent $33,379. He has $61,000 left in his campaign account, though both candidates are still raising money.

Watkins’ low-budget campaign, aides say, is not of great concern because he’s running with a team of Democrats, including candidate for governor Wendy Davis and Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins.

For the latest reporting period, Watkins got a $10,000 contribution from the Baron & Budd law firm, as well as $5,000 from Dallas lawyer Brian Loncar.

Watkins has spent money to run commercials over cable television outlets.

Hawk has a more prolific television media campaign in place and she continues to be powered by donations from the county’s business elite, and others. She received a $25,000 donation from oilman Trevor Reee-Jones. Businessman Stephen Davis gave her $10,000.

Video: Ron Natinsky says GOP wants black congresswoman’s constituents to spend food stamps instead of voting

Update at 7:05 p.m.: We captured the relevant part of the video earlier and have re-posted it:

Update at 5:50 p.m.: Shortly after this item was posted, the video from the Coppell Republican Club meeting containing Ron Natinsky’s comments was made “private” on Vimeo. But fret not: We made a copy, and will replace shortly.

Original item posted at 4:24 p.m.: Republican Ron Natinsky hopes residents in a southern Dallas congressional district “spend their food stamp money” on Election Day, instead of voting.

Natinsky, a candidate for Dallas County Judge, made the remark last November during a meeting of the Coppell Republican Club. His comments appear at around the 40:24 mark on the video.

“We don’t want to motivate her voters,” Natinsky said. “What we want them to think is ‘There’s no reason. She doesn’t have an opponent. I don’t need to go to the polls. I’ll go spend my food stamp money at the grocery store, or whatever, you know, on Election Day.’”

Natinsky said he doesn’t remember the speech or the comment about food stamps.

“I haven’t seen the video and don’t remember what I said a year ago,” Natinsky said. “I don’t see the connection between spending food stamps on food and voting.”

Johnson’s district is made up overwhelmingly of minority voters, and she is the first black lawmaker elected from North Texas. Her district supported the presidential campaigns of Barack Obama at a higher rate than any in the country, Johnson has said.

Republicans across the country have complained that many Democratic voters like government assistance, a narrative clearly promoted by Natinsky.

But Democrats contend that Natinsky’s comments feed into a racial stereotype about minority voters, particularly his reference to food stamps.

Natinsky is running for county judge against incumbent Democrat Clay Jenkins. Since Republicans in Dallas County generally fare better in mid-term elections than contests in presidential election years, the race for county judge could be competitive.

So in his appearance at the Coppell Republican Club, Natinsky urged fellow Republicans not a slate a candidate against Johnson because it would hurt the chances of other Republicans on the ballot.

That’s because Johnson, one of the most influential elected officials in North Texas, is in a heavily Democratic district, where it is virtually impossible for a Republican candidate to win. Natinsky theorizes that if Johnson is unopposed in the general election, she would not mount a serious campaign and base Democrats would not vote.

“We don’t need another five of ten thousand of her people going to the polls,” Natinsky said.

Johnson is running for re-election next week against Libertarian Max Koch and Independent Eric Williams.

Natinsky appeared at the meeting with the Coppell group with Tom Nowak, a Dallas lawyer who lost the contest for the GOP nomination for district attorney to Susan Hawk.

The video with Natinsky’s remarks have been posted on the Coppell group’s website all year. Democratic operatives discovered it in recent days.

Jenkins declined to comment on Natinsky’s remarks, while Johnson, without addressing the food stamp reference, urged residents to vote.

“There are forces, local and national , who are expecting you to sit at home, and who believe that you will allow this election to pass you exercising our constitutional right to cast a vote,” Johnson said. “The stakes are too high! Our future depends on your participation . Vote to protect what we have fought for.”

State Sen. Royce West was outraged by the comments.

“Ron Natinsky owes the people of my district an apology. To say that they are all on food stamps is outrageous,” West said. “If Natinsky does not apologize, we need to look at him to determine if he’s a racist.”

Rep. Marc Veasey, D-Fort Worth, represents a mostly minority district in Tarrant and Dallas counties.

“Ron Natinsky made those discriminatory statements to a room full Republican voters to get them stirred up in the same way that AG Greg Abbott has intentionally discriminated against minorities with his Voter ID law to give the electoral edge to Republicans,” Veasey said. “These types of tactics should have been washed away 50 years ago, but what this proves is that we must still fight for change.”

At the same meeting, Natinsky said that local Democrats got a boost when victims of Hurricane Katrina moved to North Texas.

“People left New Orleans,” Natinsky said of the 2005 storm. “Unfortunately they came up here as Democrats. We didn’t check their IDs at the border.”

A few people in the audience chuckled.