David Dewhurst Is Deeply Disturbed by "A Night of 1,000 Vaginas!"

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David Dewhurst: Can't bring himself to say "vaginas."
Nothing gets the cash flowing into a Texas Republican's re-election campaign quite like a plot by coastal liberal elites to turn Texas into a dystopian failed state that will probably be powered by aborted fetuses. So the fundraising email Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst sent on Wednesday urging supporters to "stand with me today and stop Hollywood from its destructive liberal behavior" by donating to his campaign was to be expected.

Dewhurst, though, isn't sounding a general alarm about the evils of California. His plea for cash is pegged to a very specific event, a comedy show scheduled for tonight in Los Angeles to raise money to fight Texas abortion restrictions.

"That's right, Hollywood believes so strongly in ending innocent life, that it's using jokes to raise money to fund abortions," Dewhurst writes. "It's disturbing that people who don't even reside in Texas feel the need to change our laws, and use comedy as a way to raise money for a medical procedure that can deeply harm the health of a woman, not to mention end an innocent life."

See also: Cornyn: Under Democrats, Texas Will Become Dystopian Failed State

"There is nothing funny about abortions," he adds elsewhere.

Nowhere in his email or the associated petition does Dewhurst reference the event by its name, which, for the record is "A Night of 1,000 Vaginas!"

We can only speculate that Dewhurst would make such a key omission because the thought of female genitalia makes him squeamish. Anyhow, it seems like a real leader should at least be able to name his foe.

Send your story tips to the author, Eric Nicholson.


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The LA show will be interspersed with a followup performance by the "RIOT OF 1000000 BLACK PENISES". Heck, why miss a chance for some serious artistic and edgy theatre?


Did he ever say how the money would be used to "stop Hollywood from its destructive liberal behavior?"

everlastingphelps topcommenter

If you tried to have a Night of 1000 Penises then all the feminists would be up on arms out it.  

Because they are sexist.


I'm rooting for the coastal elites. Got to be better than this nonsense.


Maude Lebowski: Does the female form make you uncomfortable, Mr. Lebowski?
The Dude: Uh, is that what this is a picture of?
Maude Lebowski: In a sense, yes. My art has been commended as being strongly vaginal which bothers some men. The word itself makes some men uncomfortable. Vagina.
The Dude: Oh yeah?
Maude Lebowski: Yes, they don't like hearing it and find it difficult to say whereas without batting an eye a man will refer to his dick or his rod or his Johnson.
The Dude: Johnson?


Why again, are men deciding what women do with their bodies?

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

Sorry, can't resist ...

So it is OK to abort human fetuses, but it is not OK to kill a rhino.

Got it.

mavdog topcommenter


oh my, I know many "feminists" who would be thrilled to go to an event titled "Night of 1000 Penises". In fact it wouldn't surprise me if it was already being planned.

you apparently do not know many "feminists"....


@finnmf89Well, Michelle Obama loves to show off her body and the feminist liberal lovers think SHE is beautiful, so men get to sign in THEIR opinions too.


@finnmf89 The babies' bodies are the ones in grave danger; the women's bodies, not so much.


@finnmf89 cuz so called conservatives only want to regulate what you do not what major corporations do.


An aborted fetus being flushed?


@ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul ......You know that question works on two fronts........So it is NOT okay to abort a pregnancy but it is OKAY to kill an innocent animal in order to conserve that animal?  

Would a Mother Rhino been given something to avoid the pregnancy if she were not able to appropriately care for the Rhino..........

And then in order to make sure that baby rhino is able to stay alive ........should we then kill another baby to raise money for the ones that we can't afford to care for?

Just wanted to take a ridiculous argument to an even more ridiculous level.    No one WANTS to abort a fetus.   Someone WANTS (to the point of paying mega bucks) to KILL a Rhino.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul ... until human foeti become a protected endangered species, yes.

FunFact -- your "god" aborts MILLIONS of "unborn babies" every year via spontaneous abortion / miscarriage.


The feministas I know would show up at "a Night of a Thousand Penises" expecting to take home a strap-on.


@bvckvs@finnmf89 Praise the Lord...praise the lord....and the power of the penis!.   For those with the penis knows what is best for those with one or one thousand vaginas.   And the penis that is attached to multiple grey pubes know far more about vaginal cavity biz than any little female could ever understand.   For women are weak and ill informed and without being dominated by a good old Christian man are totally lost in this world of sinners.

That said, I once attended A Night of 1000 Liza's and had a blast.   And I am pretty sure no one had an abortion that night nor was need created for one.  

Now while it is clear that the Lord has given Davy Dewhurtz the power of the Penis , he also gave him a face to protect it.  

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter


And neither of those instances would be a miscarriage, but rather the death of a child, which is a different thing.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

@ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul @TheCredibleHulk @ruddski 

I won't go into maudlin detail about going through the experience, but let's just say I've got some personal experience in the area, as does my wife.

Events of this type affect everyone differently, but in my experience, people that have lost children seem to have a far more difficult time recovering from the experience than people that experience miscarriages.


And the death of a one-month old, albeit tragic, is not the same as the death of a two-year-old.


@ruddskiThe president is married to a miscarriage that actually survived.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter


What? That shit ain't gonna' play, ruddski.

That's why there is a specific term for that event: "miscarriage" - albeit tragic, it is not the same thing as the death of a child.


tell that to a woman who lost her baby to a miscarriage.


@Myrna.Minkoff-KatzKEY WORD....PROFESSIONAL HUNTER...death threaters that show up at his door might consider who likely is going to get the worst in of the deal.  Like Obama...talk is cheap....but Action takes ability and work.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@CogitoErgoSum @ruddski 

"He said he feared for his life and has hired a security team."

Typical gun-nut / hunter coward.


I don't think the guy is worried about death threats from hissyfitters, do you?

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

The rich hunter who won the right to slaughter a rhino has been receiving death threats.

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