Dallas ISD Puts Parents on High Alert for Ebola Symptoms as CDC Monitors Five Students

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At least one student at Emmett Conrad High School has been exposed to Ebola.
Early this morning, Dallas ISD received word from the Centers for Disease Control that five district students have been exposed to the Ebola virus. The students attend Emmett Conrad High School, Sam Tasby Middle School, Dan Rogers Elementary, and Hotchkiss Elementary. Jack Lowe Elementary, which is located close to Tasby and Conrad High, is also being closely monitored.

See also: Ebola Has Landed in Dallas

The five students have been identified as within the patient's immediate family circle. They are being kept at home for the 21-day incubation cycle of the virus, but are not being quarantined. While CDC and local health officials are in close interaction with the families, they will be allowed to leave their homes until or if they exhibit symptoms.

Dallas ISD also issued a statement to parents and staff today, and launched a health awareness site, warning to keep an eye for possible ebola symptoms. "We are working with the CDC to ensure that we keep the confidence high, and the safety of our kids is paramount," said DISD Superintendent Mike Miles at a press conference this afternoon, held at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital. "We'll take some steps to ensure that, and the number one step is information. We want to make sure our parents are informed."

Twelve to 18 additional people in total are being watched for possible symptoms. City and state health officials are also beginning a door-to-door campaign to reassure residents near the schools that, unless Patient Zero puked on them recently, they should be fine.

See also: Even the CDC Isn't Totally Sold on its Own Proclamations on How Ebola Is Transmitted

The schools are located in the Vickery Meadow neighborhood, an ethnically diverse area with a high immigrant population, including many immigrants and refugees from Africa. "We're going to reassure people face-to-face and in close proximity that they're OK. That's one of the best ways that you are going to be OK," Judge Clay Jenkins said. "People are from many different countries and speak 33 different languages, and many people are going to be very afraid."

Besides containing the spread of the virus, the main goal, thus far, seems to be avoiding panic in the streets -- which city officials seem to think is a very real possibility. "This is not West Africa," emphasized Dr. David Lakey, Commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services. "This is a very sophisticated city, and a very sophisticated hospital."


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So, what do you do when the big Ebola outbreak requires public restrooms are shut down?You can go in the privacy of a hooded poncho. Gotta Go Poncho (http://www.goponcho.com) completely secludes you from exposure to Ebola germs offering a portable an disposable restroom that fits in your pocket.


How come Obama hasn't made a fund raiser event out of it, complete with a golf outing?


He quit his job at fed-Ex and got a visa to work here

The think he contracted it on the 15th on Sept by assisting his landlords ill daughter who died the next day

The landlords son and 3 neighbors also died

C'mon guys...if you are going to do a "timeline" do it right


It's "Centers for Disease Control," not Center.


Fuck this shit. Time to put my military survival skills to use. See ya'all in 10 years......well....one or two of ya......

everlastingphelps topcommenter

 City and state health officials are also beginning a door-to-door campaign to reassure residents near the schools that, unless Patient Zero puked on them recently, they should be fine.

Or sneezed on them.  Or sneezed near a door handle that they later used.  Or put his hands on a fast food counter after rubbing his eyes which they later had food passed across...

The CDC is playing fast and loose with the infection vectors on this one.  There's a ton of whistling past the graveyard going on (some degree of which is understandable, because let's face it, there's not much they can do about it now.)

TheRuddSki topcommenter

It's been nice knowing y'all.


They aren't going door to door just to reassure people, they're looking for other sick people that haven't gone in for help...


Not all are in Vickey Meadows. Dan Rogers is in our neighborhood and we're borderline Lakewood.

Montemalone topcommenter

"This is a very sophisticated city,..."

Oh, I beg to differ.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


How will potato-peeling skills help?


@obstinox Awww, did your real estate agent tell you that your house was near Lakewood?

Almost all of the kids going to Dan D Rogers are from apartments north of Northwest Highway. Very much Vickery Meadows.



Can you catch ebola from a cell phone transmission? I think I have have ebola on my motorola.



While I was peeling potatoes you were cleaning a latrine with your tongue. 

Fuck, you make this way too easy.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@bvckvs @everlastingphelps Don't be stupid.  EBOV isn't AIDS.  HIV dies moments after leaving the body.  EBOV can survive on a surface for days and even months.

UV kills EBOV pretty well, so an outside door handle is safe after a few minutes, but others, not so much.


@Los_Politico @obstinox You're condescension is downright adorable. Didn't realize most of the student body was made up of those north to NW Hwy. And @Chattering_Monkey, relax.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


i use a maid service, and there are a couple I'd like to tongue, but jealous girlfriend.

As to your survival training, did it involve Big Macs?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The city is in the grips of a potential pandemic of death and you make a JOKE???!!!


@obstinox I just get annoyed that you new people try to re-brand neighborhoods (though I sense this is done more by real estate agents who should know better). For example wtf is "Lakewood Hills"?

Also you always say the "D" in Dan D Rogers. "Dandy Rogers".


@bvckvs Open door, then rub eye?  You're majorly downplaying how often people touch their faces during the day....

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Your training has failed you.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Actually, I fired him last week.

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