Wright: So Wrong

Posted November 21, 2012 by JOHN Q. READER in News

To the editor: Jeff Prince’s “Other Side of the Gavel” story (Oct. 31, 2012) serves as a “buyer beware” to anyone considering leasing or purchasing a home without benefit of counsel. Sure it costs to have an attorney peruse the contract, but at least you have a professional looking out for your interests.

A judge has more power and authority than an attorney, and one would expect judges to be in sync with the law, not to exploit it for their personal gain as did Judge Wright with the Moores. She was dreadfully wrong in her dealings with them, and her refusal to comment for the Weekly just adds flavor to her lack of integrity. Even with her bankruptcy filing — possibly a pre-emptive measure to circumvent her responsibilities — I hope she’s found culpable for the heartache the Moores suffered at her hands. How low can you go?

Just goes to show, not everyone who wears a uniform or a judge’s robe is enveloped in integrity.

Dee Taylor

Fort Worth




Looking for the Good Life

To the editor: I absolutely loved Andrew McLemore’s story “City Life Is a Good Life, Once Again,” (Aug. 22, 2012). I’m glad to read that other residents of Fort Worth are excited about urban growth and that other Texans are flocking to this great city. I think that people in their 20s love living in the city for its convenience. I never really appreciated Fort Worth’s infrastructure until I moved to San Antonio. Currently, I am attending a university located on the outskirts of San Antonio. It is an incredible hassle commuting around San Antonio’s Loop 1604 and I-10. I dearly miss my days in Fort Worth living inside Loop 820, especially bike-riding through the Wedgwood and TCU neighborhoods around this time of year.

I am graduating fairly soon and cannot wait to reside in Fort Worth’s growing inner city.

Christina Calderon

San Antonio



Colonial Memories

To the editor: Historian Juliet George did justice to an old Fort Worth landmark, the Colonial Hotel, as she chronicled its history through the good, the bad, and the ugly chapters in real estate history. Her Fort Worth Weekly story, “Grand and Gone” (Oct. 24, 2012), was a great nostalgic read, a trip down memory lane.

The Colonial was Fort Worth’s version of “Hotel California” in many respects, and though it bit the dust long ago, indelible memories of its heyday and those who knew the place back then live on.

It was a magnificent hotel until the neglect of maintenance contributed to its eventual coup de grace.

There are many of us still living as “survivors” of the Colonial who were eyewitnesses to its rise and fall. Thanks to the Weekly for its story and pictures of this once-grand place.

Delores Raikes

Fort Worth



Hallelujah for Justice

To the editor: Staff writer Andrew McLemore’s “Who Watches the Pollwatchers?” (Oct. 31, 2012) was appropriate for this election season. The banner of “voter fraud” is hoisted whenever Republicans feel threatened with possibly losing an election, particularly one for president.

Since federal courts have struck down many of these discriminatory voter ID laws, including the one in Texas, we have our civil rights groups to thank. We sing hallelujah for their vigilance and success in the crusade for justice for everyone, including minorities. The Republicans’ “voter suppression act” made about as much sense as sitting a milk bucket under a bull.

Fred Ream

Fort Worth


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