Blackout in the Gas Patch

Blackout in the Gas Patch

PUBLICATION DATE: August 7, 2014

AUTHOR: Nadia Steinzor

SUMMARY: How Pennsylvania Residents are Left in the Dark on Health and Enforcement examines the consequences of prioritizing industry expansion without an equal commitment to protecting the public.

Blackout Case Study 1 - Pam Judy

Blackout Case Study 1 - Pam Judy

PUBLICATION DATE: August 7, 2014

AUTHOR: Nadia Steinzor

SUMMARY: Blackout in the Gas Patch Case Study 1: Pam Judy from Carmichaels, Greene County PA

Blackout - Summary

Blackout - Summary

PUBLICATION DATE: August 7, 2014

AUTHOR: Nadia Steinzor

SUMMARY: Blackout in the Gas Patch Executive Summary

Joint letter urging PA DEP to improve process for Ch 78 hearings

Joint letter urging PA DEP to improve process for Ch 78 hearings

PUBLICATION DATE: January 1, 2014

AUTHOR: Earthworks et. al.

Enviro letter to DOGGR urging rejection of interim well stimulation regulations

Enviro letter to DOGGR urging rejection of interim well stimulation regulations

PUBLICATION DATE: December 24, 2013

AUTHOR: Earthjustice, Earthworks, et al

SUMMARY: The Interim Regulations put public health and safety at risk, and are inadequate to protect California’s air, water, and climate. Furthermore, DOGGR’s interim regulations do not comply with California law.

Escapatorias Jurídicas para Contaminadores

Escapatorias Jurídicas para Contaminadores

PUBLICATION DATE: August 29, 2013

AUTHOR: Earthworks

Call to investigate the EPA for its withdrawal of legal action against Range Resources

Call to investigate the EPA for its withdrawal of legal action against Range Resources

PUBLICATION DATE: February 11, 2013

AUTHOR: Earthworks et. al.

Testimony before the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources

Testimony before the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources


AUTHOR: Bruce Baizel

Re: State Environmental Quality Review Act Requires Additional Comprehensive Environmental Review

Re: State Environmental Quality Review Act Requires Additional Comprehensive Environmental Review

PUBLICATION DATE: April 12, 2012

SUMMARY: Letter to the New York Department of Environmental Conservation regarding environmental reviews before fracking permits are issued.

Local Rights Matter: Key reasons to oppose SB1100/HB1950

Local Rights Matter: Key reasons to oppose SB1100/HB1950

PUBLICATION DATE: January 20, 2012

AUTHOR: Clean Water Action * Delaware Riverkeeper Network * Earthworks * PennEnvironment * Sierra Club PA Chapter

SUMMARY: Pennsylvanians should not trade municipal rights for limited impacts fees and regulatory changes. State legislators should oppose these bills.

Hydraulic Fracturing and the FRAC Act: Frequently Asked Questions

Hydraulic Fracturing and the FRAC Act: Frequently Asked Questions

PUBLICATION DATE: September 15, 2011

AUTHOR: American Rivers * Delaware Riverkeeper * Earthjustice * Earthworks * Environment America * EWG * NRDC * OMB Watch * Sierra Club * The Wilderness Society

Loopholes for Polluters

Loopholes for Polluters


AUTHOR: Lauren Pagel, Lisa Sumi

Protecting Health, Ensuring Accountability

Protecting Health, Ensuring Accountability


SUMMARY: The FRAC Act would close a loophole in the Safe Drinking Water Act. Consequently, EPA could regulate hydraulic fracturing, and oil & gas companies would have to publicly disclose the types, amounts, and combinations of chemicals they use in their hydraulic fracturing processes.

The Pit Rule - True Economics

The Pit Rule - True Economics

PUBLICATION DATE: February 14, 2011

AUTHOR: Lisa Sumi

The Pit Rule - What it is and why we need it

The Pit Rule - What it is and why we need it

PUBLICATION DATE: February 14, 2011

AUTHOR: Lisa Sumi

Montana Model County Oil and Gas Regulations

Montana Model County Oil and Gas Regulations

PUBLICATION DATE: September 3, 2010

Safe Drillers Don’t Need the Halliburton Loophole

Safe Drillers Don’t Need the Halliburton Loophole


AUTHOR: Jennifer Goldman

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