Duncanville Teacher Who Said "Dumb Duck Ass Crackers" Should "Kill Themselves" Resigns

Vinita Hegwood, the Duncanville High School English teacher whose profane tweet aimed at "dumb duck ass crackers" went viral on conservative social media, has resigned, she announced Thursday afternoon.

Hegwood was suspended without pay in anticipation of her being fired after her Friday night tweet went viral

Here's her full statement regarding the incident:

"I wish to express my regret regarding the controversy over comments that I made on social media on Friday, November 7. I am deeply sorry for the offensive and unprofessional comments that I made on my personal Twitter account. In making those remarks, I was reacting to a series of threatening and racist attacks against me by strangers who disagreed with my expressed opinions on Ferguson, Missouri. I allowed myself to respond emotionally and impulsively. My reaction in no way reflects the standards to which I have held myself and my students for the last twenty years of teaching. I accept full responsibility for my actions, and I regret the embarrassment that it has caused the school district. I believe that it is in the best interests of the district that I resign my position at Duncanville ISD effective immediately."

A specially called school board meeting to formally decide Hegwood's fate has been scheduled for Friday. Duncanville ISD spokesperson Lari Barager says that the 7:30 a.m. meeting will still happen as scheduled.


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Her statement is well-constructed and thoughtfully worded. If nothing else, that should be a relief to those who were concerned that her tweet reflected what she's been teaching students. In my opinion, she preserved as much dignity and integrity as one possibly could under the circumstances.


maybe john wiley price needs some staff?! 


I have for more respect for this teacher than I have for the hate filled bigoted council woman who must absolutely despise white men.  Vonciel Jones Hill displayed such ignorance that I fail to understand why they did not fire her ass on the spot.  It was the first time I heard the Dallas City Council (they interrupted my classical station) and the entire meeting was full of reverse racism (if that is what it is called).  There is no method to her madness because she doesn't know what her end game is....either that and something suspect is going on that we don't see the entire picture. 

This high school teacher probably drunk funk tweeted.   But this mess I heard yesterday was totally owning the mayor and people seemed fearful of this dip shit of a bigot.  These people need to be called out.  And they don't know a pony, dog, horse hunt from a hair full of piss.   Does the mayor here have a set of balls. 


Well, bye!


I'm pretty sure Lari Barager is a reporter, not a spokesman for the district.

(edit: nevermind. move along, nothing to see here.)


" I was reacting to a series of threatening and racist attacks against me by strangers who disagreed with my expressed opinions on Ferguson, Missouri."

She has strangers on her Twitter account?  Maybe she should choose her Twitter friends more carefully.

TheRuddSki topcommenter

What about the duck ass crackers who killed themselves? Who will speak for them?

What is a "duck ass" cracker anyway, a wealthy redneck with a hit TV show, or one that takes a shit every 12 seconds?


At least she was direct, didn't fool around with "If I may have offended someone, apologies are in order..."


It sucks when that racism thing bites you in the ass.


Tweet tweet tweet,

Another One Bites the Dust!

holmantx topcommenter

apology accepted


@TheRuddSki Given the proximity of d and f on a keyboard, I figure "duck" is a typo.


@TheRuddSki  You can tell a duck ass cracker when they bend over you can see a big quack.  Now as far as Ms. Hill, her duck ass black cracker starts at her lower back and goes all the way down to her rancid swimming ho.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Hope she didn't teach Current Events.

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