Results for #WhatsNextEnergy

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  2. API's Gerard: US ghg emissions are falling thanks to increased use, not government action.

  3. . More and more scientists talking about growing disparity between projection models & reality.

  4. .: it's in the best interest of Americans for Congress to work together on issues.

  5. .: "I see a huge upside for the exportation of ...the upside is huge for this country."

  6. .: We need an all-of-the-above energy strategy. Not just saying it, but actually working together to create it.

  7. . says crude exports complicated Not really: more markets = ↑ demand, ↑ supply, ↑ jobs, ↑ economic growth.

  8. Will Obama veto a bill? Heather Zichal says his comments about not wanting to subvert the process are illustrative.

  9. House & Senate advisors on panel: it'll be nice to have Congress working together.

  10. "No 1 country is going to be able to solve climate change alone," says Heather Zichal, but China-US deal is "significant."

  11. "It will be nice to have a functioning Congress again." line of the day?

  12. Zichal calls US-China deal on emissions a strong statement to global community & an important step in the right direction

  13. On the U.S.-China climate deal: says you "can't underscore how important this agreement really was."

  14. Mark Mills notes oil-gas revolution kept US out of recession past 5 years.

  15. LNG can help Baltic nations free themselves from Russian energy extortion.

  16. Gerard: shouldn't be overregulating operations () that have reduced US emissions, but encouraging development.

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