Results for #NatGas

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  1. Photos · View all
  2. Rinaldi says "will remain trapped in that shale unless and until new consumers compel additional production"

  3. roundtable pleased to have Bill Brewster, of Capitol Hill Consulting Group, at next Tuesday's luncheon

  4. Judge rules landowner can sue government, over on her property in landmark case:

  5. Natural Gas Price historical, monthly chart, since 1990.

  6. Only in can mkt move 4.5% in 1 day w/ front month vol down 3.5%. Z14 down 20c today, front strad offered @ 24.5c, 11 days to go

  7. plunging to new two-week lows

  8. Leader in Natural Gas Vehicle fuel lines “Good Parts, On Time, Every Time….from the NGV experts.” Booth 110

  9. $450 million of private capital invested resulting in an 80% increase in CNG stations since 2009. Via AmericanGas

  10. See the full study “Middle class Americans own oil and natural gas companies”

  11. Alleged is fascinating. What kills coal is technology and free markets (abundant ). All the things love!

  12. API's Gerard: US ghg emissions are falling thanks to increased use, not government action.

  13. Tx Comptroller Report today: severance taxes on increased from $712M to $1.9B. Money for roads, schools & 1st responders.

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