DART Driver Accused of Sexually Assaulting Special Needs Passenger Denies Allegations

Dallas Area Rapid Transit
Tuesday morning, a lawsuit was filed in federal court by an anonymous plaintiff asserting that her daughter, who has Down syndrome, was raped twice by a DART paratransit driver in September 2013.

According to the plaintiff, driver Cedrick Agentdropped off his other passengers on the bus before pulling over and assaulting her daughter twice in one week.

Agent says nothing happened.

"The whole point is there wasn't a incident because nothing ever happened," he says. "We have a no-touch policy. We don't touch anybody on that bus unless they're in wheelchairs, to lock them down."

Agent says he's never violated that policy in the four years he has worked for DART. He has never touched a passenger beyond securing a wheelchair, much less had sexual contact with one, he says.

"I've been following [the policy] for four years. You look at my file I've got nothing but compliments."

After the alleged incident, Agent says he gave DART police a cheek swab so his DNA could be tested. He assumes the police have cleared him because he was subsequently allowed to return to work.

Earlier Tuesday, DART spokesman Morgan Lyons told The Dallas Morning News that the vehicle Agent was driving had a camera on it. He has since, according to the News, retracted that statement.

Update: 2:37 p.m.:DART spokesman Morgan Lyons gave us the following statement: "DART Police and other agencies investigated the allegations when they were made in September 2013. Investigative results could not confirm the allegations. DART has no further comment on the civil lawsuit filed today relating to the September 2013 claim."

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