Rafael Anchia Just Wants to Confirm That No One Wants a Trinity Toll Road

Mark Graham
Rep. Rafael Anchia and Mike Rawlings
Last week, we told you about an internet survey pushed out by Dallas state representative Rafael Anchia asking residents their opinion about the Trinity Toll Road. We speculated that Anchia's sudden interest might signal forthcoming action in Austin, likely an attempt by supporters to fund the currently unfunded (and unneeded) project. After speaking with Anchia, that seems even more likely.

See also: Rep. Rafael Anchia Just Released a Trinity Toll Road Survey. Why?

"It's pretty simple: We're just gathering information from the community to get a sense of where they are on this thing," he told Unfair Park. "If it turns out that it becomes a funding request in the legislature, I need to know what the sentiment is of the constituents I represent."

The survey could give Anchia and others in Dallas political cover to stand against the road. State Senator Royce West has already said that he will reconsider his stance on the project if residents come out overwhelmingly against it. Anchia has long been an ally of Dallas mayor Mike Rawlings, who supports the toll road. Whatever happens, Anchia says he and the mayor's relationship won't change.

"My approach is just to figure out where my constituents are on this thing so I can properly represent them," Anchia said.

After the survey is complete, Anchia said he plans to hold town hall meetings with Dallasites to discuss the results and how to move forward.

"I suspect that the sentiment of the respondents is going to be unfavorable, and that's consistent with what I'm hearing in the neighborhoods that I represent. We're going to use a number of different tools to gather information and do fact finding," he said.


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There is one good thing about this toll road.  A vast majority of people with a wide variety of political beliefs can all agree that it is totally impractical and insane.  Unity


"You don't need a survey to know which way the wind blows."


I just came from a transportation meeting held by Councilwoman Vonceil Hill at SW Center Mall.  This issue came up and all the questions were against the Trinity Toll Road.   Vonceil Hill was the only person present out of 75 who supported it.  None of the three candidates running for her position, all who were there this eveing, support the Trinity Toll Road.   The message is consistent, except for those who have received money from people who want the Toll Road to be funded.


I'm just going to apply the law of inverse comments to DO stories from now on. The more comments, the less of a story it is. Fewer comments? Maybe something worth paying attention to.


The very definition of, out of touch.

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