"Over the last five years, American manufacturing has added 728,000 new jobs, the fastest rates since 1990. Manufacturing and manufacturers are coming home."--Vice-President Joe Biden
Attorneys for the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund say recent changes to the voting map in Pasadena violate the civil rights of Hispanic voters there. Five residents have joined in a federal lawsuit, asking Pasadena to restore its previous voting map.
Scientists say climate change could mean more powerful storms in the years to come - and as weather researchers are working to predict the next one, they need solid data on wind speeds and water levels up and down coastlines.
Texas hospitals want legislators to address the large numbers of uninsured residents in the state, and the billions of dollars hospitals lose annually treating them. Efforts to cover these Texans failed in the last legislative session, but there’s a new push to try again.
A huge makeover is in the works for Houston’s Memorial Park. But bikers and runners who venture into its dense forest to use a network of remote trails worry what the changes will mean. — at Memorial Park Mountain Bike Trails.
The event began with a veterans’ job fair and health fair and concluded with the American Heroes Parade through downtown. It featured military tanks, a marching band and several floats decked out with flags and red, white and blue streamers.
Electricity costs 10 percent more in Houston than in Dallas as calculated with data from the Texas Public Utility Commission. Is the difference caused in part by an unfair marketplace? That’s the issue now under debate as a 150-mile-long transmission line project has been proposed by the Houston Import Project.Read more: http://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/news/will-big-new-power-line-make-electricity-cheaper-in-houston/
The Houston Import Project would add a new north-south transmission line similar to this one in northwest Harris County. Photo by Dave Fehling
Surrounded by ranchland, CenterPoint’s Zenith Substation (in background) would be the endpoint for the 150 mile Houston Import Project. Photo by Dave Fehling
Houston Pubic Media would like thank veterans for their service and sacrifice.

More about this photo: From last year's commemoration at City Hall, a Joint Service Color Guard displayed the flags during the Pledge of Allegiance. Photo by Carrie Feibel
As the nation commemorates Veterans Day, parents Doug and Treva Susura reflect on their son Gordy’s service as a navy seal and how they felt seeing his portrait for the first time.
The City of Houston’s annual "Houston Salutes American Heroes" is tomorrow to commemorate Veteran's Day. Celebrations include health, job and resources fair, ceremony and parade.
If the achievement gaps are bridged, Houston can capitalize on having a young, multicultural and multilingual workforce for a global economy. What are the gaps?
“(Houston's) added fourteen law firms to the mix, but we really haven’t increased the numbers of lawyers in the Houston area significantly.” --Steven Burkett
“South of Baghdad, getting down to the southern provinces, there are no security concerns,” Lukman Faily, Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq to the U.S. said, “but there are development issues.”
"It's never going to replace the human interaction with our dogs, but what it can do is help us interact with them in new ways." --David Roberts, assistant professor of computer science at NC State.
This week, News 88.7 lost a member of our family. Tom Magliozzi, co-host of Car Talk, passed away at age 77. On this week's Car Talk, Ray Magliozzi will honor his older brother with his own memories, and his favorite Tom moments from the show. The Car Talk broadcast airs at 9:00 a.m. on 88.7 FM.
For the mechanics and DIY-ers out there - here's a plan to remember Car Talk's Tommy.

Car Talk broadcasts at 9:00 a.m. on 88.7 FM.

Details here if you want to join him:
Texas has announced how it will handle travelers who return to Texas from countries affected by Ebola. Travelers will be divided into risk categories labeled “high,” “some,” “low” and “no identifiable risk.”
The Houston Independent School District is launching a new literacy plan. It’s set an ambitious goal to have every third grader reading at their level by 2019. So how do they plan to accomplish this?
Children at Risk, a Houston-based education advocacy group, want state lawmakers to discuss certain issues during the upcoming 84th Texas Legislature. The list includes school finance, early education, human trafficking and children's health.
The Texas Oil & Gas Association has filed a request for an injunction to block enforcement of a ban on hydraulic fracturing, passed yesterday by voters in the North Texas city of Denton.
“The drought was so severe for so long, and the feed prices were so high that you just couldn’t do that forever,” says David Anderson, a livestock economist with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.