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Tina Casey
Works at County of Union, NJ
Attended Columbia University School of General Studies
Lived in Pittsburgh, PA
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Tina Casey

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Ford has just tapped four dealerships to receive micro wind turbines in a first-of-its-kind partnership with the aptly named company Wind Energy Corporation, and we are already convinced this is just the first tiny ripple in a massive wave of wind energy installations at Ford locations. The new vertical-design turbines spell out Ford in big,
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Tina Casey

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A team of researchers at the University of Maryland has come up with an elegantly simple nanoscale battery concept that they're describing as the
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Tina Casey

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We've been hearing a lot about robot swarms, biomimicry, and drones the size of insects, so it was only a matter of time before swarms of tiny flying robot drones hit the skies. Called micro air vehicles or micro aerial vehicles (MAVs), the latest development is an upcoming test of bee-inspired mechanical critters by the
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Tina Casey

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Holy gilding the lily, Batman! Researchers at Australia's Queensland University of Technology are hot on the trail of a new energy storage concept that melds our two favorite next-millennium nanomaterials, graphene and carbon nanotubes, and combines them with the current gold standard in electric vehicle technology, which would be a lithium-ion battery. The end result would
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Tina Casey

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Now that the Army's ambitious Net Zero initiative has passed the pilot stage with flying colors, planners have been gearing up for the next steps.  One of them involves expanding from a nine-part demonstration field to encompass scores of other Army facilities, but that's just for starters. Today we bring you an exclusive insider view
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Tina Casey

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Caltech and AMOLF partner up in new way to generate electrical charge from metal exposed to light...
We've been keeping tabs on the plasmonics scene for a while and we just got wind of an interesting new development from the Netherlands in partnership with Caltech. If the Netherlands connection doesn't exactly ring your bells, recall that Caltech is the institutional home of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which is heavily invested in the
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Tina Casey

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The tubes have been buzzing over a new modded out sky blue Tesla Model S, but the folks over at Popular Science had another sky blue electric vehicle in mind when they handed out this year's
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Just updated the post with more info from Motiv -- they're anticipating vehicle-to-grid potential, too.
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Tina Casey

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This organization called Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) just crossed our radar, and since its membership includes SolarCity, GE, Microsoft, Philips, Verizon, and a few score other corporate sluggers we're going to pick apart some energy storage news it passed along last week. Specifically, AEE is all excited over a
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Tina Casey

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Tina Casey

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Solar energy costs are already dropping faster than you can say
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Tina Casey

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If you are among those of us who attribute your lingering back problems to the many years you spent schlepping a heavy backpack to school, this one is a little hard to get a handle on but it's for realz: a backpack that generates electricity while you walk. The
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Very nice. 
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Tina Casey

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Our friends over at Renewable Energy World have tipped us to an epic battle that's brewing over DRECP, the proposed Desert Renewable Energy and Conservation Plan for California. This document, five years in the making, could severely curtail the development of utility scale solar power plants and wind farms on federal lands in California. At first
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Freelance/Tech Writer and Public Information Officer
Writing, copy editing.
  • County of Union, NJ
    Deputy Director, Public Information, 2008 - present
  • Science/Tech Writer
    2004 - present
Map of the places this user has livedMap of the places this user has livedMap of the places this user has lived
Pittsburgh, PA - Portland, OR - New York City - Summit, NJ - Dunedin, NZ
Sci/Tech Writer
Freelance sci/tech writer focusing on alternative energy, military sustainability, water resources and emerging materials; Deputy Director, Union County NJ Office of Public Information. Views expressed are my own. Contact only for story tips at CleanTechnica:
Bragging rights
Senior Reporter,, Staff Writer,
  • Columbia University School of General Studies
    Philosophy, 1983 - 1985
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Tina Casey's +1's are the things they like, agree with, or want to recommend.
When Does Internship Become Labor Exploitation? - Triple Pundit: People,...

As youth unemployment remains high, more younger workers seek internships to gain work experience. But when does internship become labor exp

EPA Mileage Ratings For EVs Could Be Misleading (But That’s The Good News)

A real-world demonstration of electric vehicle range under actual driving conditions reveals that EPA's mileage ratings for electric vehicle

Could Massive Solar Powered Desalination Plants Help Cancel Out Rising S...

Er...probably not. However, just a few years ago the idea of transferring ultra-massive quantities of seawater out of the ocean and putting

Crocheted cyclops costume brings out the softer side of swordplay

Forget clunky metal and plastic armor that leave you sweating and bruise everyone you scrape by at conventions. This soft and cozy crocheted

Hasbro Fights Aliens from the Deep and Climate Change, Too

Hasbro, Inc., maker of board game Battleship wins Climate Leadership Award from U.S. EPA for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.