Bored in Denton creates donation contest

By on November 12, 2014

Rhiannon Saegert / Senior Staff Writer

Bored in Denton braved 40-degree weather on the Library Mall to raise money for Denton Community Food Center by inviting students to Pin the Wattle on the Turkey this Wednesday.

President of the bored Kelsey Henry said the group began as a music club in 2012 and has never participated in any Thanksgiving events, but members wanted to do something for charity this year.

“We kind of evolved, but Bored in Denton has always been about what the members want each semester,” Henry said. “This semester, we have a bunch of new members, so we just put on a bunch of different events.”

Vice president of the bored Dallas Crilley said the turkey costume and Pin the Wattle on the Turkey was his idea.

“I brought it up during our meeting. That started out with, ‘There’s no such thing as a bad idea, right?’ and everything thought it was pretty funny,” Crilley said.

The group’s next plan is to create a couponing contest by sending teams of four or five people into a grocery store with coupons to see who can buy the most food with $20. The club also allocated $100 of its budget to this project.

“We haven’t picked a grocery store yet,” Henry said “How much money we make today will determine all of the details.”

Crilley said Henry’s talent for couponing inspired the contest.

“She’s, like, really crazy good,” Crilley said. “I didn’t really buy it until I went to the grocery store with her and she got 50 bucks of groceries for like, 7 bucks and five of that was for my beef jerky. She basically gets paid to shop.”

Henry said being a digital retailing major taught her to become a savvier shopper.

“You really learn that there is no reason you should pay retail for certain things,” Henry said. “There’s coupons and discounts for all sorts of things, especially with this technology.”

Photography freshman Shana Travis said the turkey suit caught her attention, but she plans to participate in the couponing contest.

“I was not expecting to pin the wattle on the turkey,” she said. “But actually this club sounds pretty appealing to me. I’m not a commuter. I’m from Houston and I don’t really have a way to get around town so I don’t really know Denton.”

Bored in Denton will determine the time, date and location of the contest at their next meeting Nov. 17.

Featured Image: Communications junior Laith Hussein, turkey suit, and development and family junior Katie Francis encourage students to raise money for Denton Community Food Center by pinning a waddle onto Hussein’s turkey costume. Photo by Rhiannon Saegert – Senior Staff Writer

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