
NTDaily News, Nov. 11, 2014 from Denton Community Television on Vimeo.

 Operated by The Mayborn School of Journalism, University of North Texas

Mission Statement:
Giving voice to the people of Denton, as provided by the First Amendment, while providing educational opportunities in community media to citizens, students and professionals.

DCTV is a partnership between the City of Denton and the Frank W. and Sue Mayborn School of Journalism at the University of North Texas, under which the Mayborn School will operate the Denton Public Access Channel.

Denton Community Access Television (DCTV) (Charter Channel 191, Verizon Channel 39) provides a cable television channel on which Denton citizens can cablecast recorded programming which they produce. This includes content produced by students or classes affiliated with the Mayborn School of Journalism at UNT.

DCTV is a place where people’s diverse voices can be heard, where information can be shared and a place for open discussion among citizens.

General Academic Building, Room #117
225 S. Avenue B
Denton, TX  76203-5017


Hours of Operation:
Office:  9-5 M-F
(closed major holidays, and between Christmas and New Years)
Studio:   Call for an appointment
Cablecasting:  24/7

Daily Operations:  Jacqi Serie, 940-565-4265, jserie@unt.edu
Technical Operations: Chuck Weatherall, 940-565-3580, chuck.weatherall@unt.edu
Station Manager:  Nann Goplerud, 940-565-2591, goplerud@unt.edu
