
Texas General Land Office

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Trickle Down: Counties Say Oil Money for Roads Not Enough

Traffic accidents have surged along with drilling in Texas counties.

In what were some of the poorer counties in Texas, a surge in oil & gas drilling has set local economies on fire. But at the same time, officials have made dire pleas for help, saying the drilling boom is destroying roads and leading to deadly crashes. The Associated Press found that while traffic deaths [...]

Boiling Hot: How Fracking’s Gusher of Geothermal Energy is Wasted

Crew installing geothermal power generator at well site near Laurel, Mississippi.

There are thousands of oil & gas wells in Texas that tap into the earth’s supply of hot water, some of it a boiling hot 250 F. There are modern, high tech steam engines that could use the water to make electricity. There was a federally-funded experimental power plant that proved the technology could work [...]

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