
Pollution Enforcement

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State: Judge is Wrong to Say It Must Protect Atmosphere

From The Texas Tribune The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality is appealing a lawsuit that it has already won — and that was filed by children. Environmental advocates say the appeal shows that the state will go to any lengths to fight the suggestion that it address climate change. As part of a national environmental [...]

Mixed Results in New EPA Report on Toxins and Children

We've come a long way from the days when DDT was sprayed on children to kill lice, as in this photo from Germany in 1945.

We’ve come a long way since the days when kids played in clouds of DDT, gas stations sold leaded gasoline, and smoking near youngsters was commonplace. America has made great strides since the 1970s in reducing toxins in the environment that cause health issues in children, according to a new edition of the EPA report, [...]

EPA to Range Resources: Drill Away

A Range Resources oil rig across the street from a public park in Denton, TX.

The original version of this article, released on March 30, 2012, incorrectly attributed the following quote to an EPA press release: “In a press release today, the EPA stated that ‘multiple investigations into the claims showed no link between Range Resources’ operations and water contamination.’” The Texas Oil and Gas Association provided this quote in its [...]

Texas Claims Round Against EPA

Texas political leadership was in a celebratory mood today, after news spread that the state had won a battle in its ongoing legal disputes with the Environmental Protection Agency in federal court earlier in the week. The decision Monday from the 5th US Court of Appeals effectively ordered the Agency to take a second look [...]

Rule Changes at TCEQ May Be in the Works

Director of Public Citizen Texas Tom "Smitty" Smith.

Yana Skorobogatov of StateImpact Texas researched and reported this article. At a public hearing today in Austin, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality heard from groups worried about proposed changes to the way the state agency tracks emissions and pollution by companies. A proposal before the Commission as part of the state’s sunset review process [...]

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