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New Study Shows How Gas Production From “Fracked” Wells Slows Over Time

America’s oil and gas boom was brought on by hydraulic fracturing, commonly called “fracking” and horizontal drilling. These methods of drilling, developed in Texas, unleashed historic amounts of fossil fuels in previously inaccessible shale formations across the country. But recent research from the University of Texas suggests that many wells using these techniques will see a [...]

Why Are Gas Prices So High? A Multimedia Guide By Climate Desk

Gas prices are going down, and may continue to do so.

[<a href="" target="_blank">View the story "The Gas Prices Are High. Here's Why." on Storify</a>] The folks at Climate Desk, a collaborative project from several major media groups on the climate, has put together a new multimedia story on why gas prices have been going up lately. You can view the presentation above.

Ex-Shell CEO and Peak Oil Researcher Face Off Over America’s Energy Future

Dr. Tad Patzek is the Chair of UT's Department of Petroleum & Geosystems Engineering .

What happens when “drill baby drill” meets peak oil prognostication? An audience found out firsthand this week, when two power policy pugilists faced off at the University of Wisconsin. In one corner was Texas’ own Dr. Tad Patzek, incoming president of the Association of the Study of Peak Oil, and Chair of UT’s Department of [...]

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