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Solar-Powered Public Property Bill Backed by Education, Military

A bill that would increase the amount of renewable electricity on publicly-owned land received support from educators, environmentalists and the military at the Capitol Tuesday. An Army attorney, high school science teacher and an environmental advocate all testified in support of SB 1586, authored by Sen. Jose R. Rodriguez, D-El Paso, at a Senate Business and Commerce [...]

Two Bills, Two Different Futures For the System Benefit Fund

State Senator John Carona has filed legislation that would prevent money from being diverted from the System Benefit Fund. That fund's original purpose was to help low income and senior citizens to pay their electric bills.

If the $850 million in the System Benefit Fund still sits idle come 2014, it won’t be for a lack of trying to fix it. State Senator John Carona (R-Dallas) filed two bills recently related to the massive, unused benefit fund. One of those bills would realign the fund with its originally intended purpose, to help low income and [...]

Electric Deregulation Turns Ten in Texas

Deregulation turns ten years old in Texas this year.

Anniversaries are horrible things to forget, so here’s one that you might have let slip by. This month marks ten years of de-regulation in the Texas electricity market. But it hasn’t all been smooth sailing for rate payers since then, according to one new study. A typical electric customer paid $3,000 in added costs over [...]

Hungry for Electricity, Mexico Considers Border Fracking

The Eagle Ford Shale formation in South Texas has made headlines for its abundance of natural gas, but the formation doesn’t end at the Rio Grande. That fact is not lost on the Mexican government. Last week, the Mexican Minister of Energy proposed ramping up hydraulic fracturing operations in Northern Mexico. The announcement wasn’t especially [...]

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