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December 13, 2010


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There was actually only 23 actual people at this rally. fyi.


The official count was 60 persons attending this rally and many more who wished they could be there but were unable to get away in the middle of the day.

Ellen Lopez

As one of the organizers of today's Southlake rally, 43 people signed the petition and many of us had already signed it previously. Our count was an attendance closer to 60 or so - it was a terrific turnout plus some passersby who were interested, looked at our information on the current Speaker and supported our call to Rep. Truitt to withdraw her pledge and listen to her constituents.


Eh... there were maybe 20 people at this rally. I was there. These people are crazy. Straus is a died in the wool Conservative who helped Reagan win Texas in 1980.

Paxton is a joke who can't even keep most of his businesses ventures in good standing with the state.

Just look at the picture. Tell me, where are the 50 people?


I don't know "dondeesta" but I was at the Southlake event where there were at least 50 people actively protesting Ms. Truitt position on Speaker Straus.


Citizens attempting to hold elected officials accountable,??? this has to stop!!!!


Thank you to all the Republican Patroits who attended this Rally to Oust Straus.

I agree with Ellen Lopez that the Republicans need to select the Speaker from inside their Republican Caucus.

Straus was selected last time by 65 Democrats and only 11 Republicans. Straus is a moderate and appointed the Liberal Democrat Rene Oliveira to chair the powerful House Ways and Means Committee. Young Conservatives of Texas rated Oliveira at only 15 out of 100. Oliveira blocked conservative legislation aimed at reforming Texas's property tax system and also legislation aimed at cutting taxes. Oliveira also blocked any bill from exiting his committee that was not authored or co-authored by a Democrat. The list of Straus committee chair appointments goes on and on with a similar pattern throughout. It is no wonder that Straus has the support of the Democrats for his re-election to the position of Speaker.

A Conservative would never have done that. That is why 90% of all Conservatives are calling to Oust Straus as Speaker.

Marcial Bonifacio

Freddymac, you are not in favor of government accountability? You trust the government completely?


These Representatives will start to get the hint that they won't ignore us and get away with it. Liberals learned that mocking the Tea Parties only served to get the Democrats SPANKED in the election. Now RINOs and Conservative Republicans daring to ignore their constituents will learn not to ignore or mock us either. Those that vote for Straus will be replaced in primaries. PERIOD. Two thing sthat will NOT be ignored or trifled with; the Constitution and WE THE PEOPLE!


This quote pretty much sums up the attitude of the anti-Strauss side: "Well, what am I supposed to do? I mean, I'm not gonna be ignored!" - Alex Forrest (Glenn Close) from the movie Fatal Attraction.

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