Jose Canseco goes on epic Twitter rant about ‘interstellar trade’ and ‘galactic beings’ with hashtag #CansecoComet 

'If Earth can control the comet transport system we will run the Milkyway,' Canseco tweeted Thursday. 'Think about that. Hug for u NASA. #CansecoComet"

Published: Thursday, November 13, 2014, 3:03 PM
Updated: Thursday, November 13, 2014, 4:00 PM
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JUNE 3, 2010, FILE PHOTO Susan Walsh/AP Jose Canseco, who made a career hitting it out of the ballpark, shared some intergalactic thoughts Thursday on Twitter that were truly out of this world.

There's nothing new under the sun — but beyond that, there's two-time World Series champion Jose Canseco going on a Twitter rant about comets.

“Comet Transport is the key to our survival," he tweeted Thursday. "Galactic Beings have used comets as star taxis for eons. Comets are faster than anything we could ever build and have their own power solving are two problems Opens up new business like galaxy touring, cruising, asteroid mining, interstellar trade, and planet colonies. If Earth can control the cosmet transport system we will run the Milkyway. Think about that. Hug for u NASA.”

Jose Canseco signed off with #cansecocomet. JoseCanseco via twitter Jose Canseco signed off with #cansecocomet.

The bash-brother, currently recovering from an injury sustained at his home when he accidentally shot off his finger with his gun, signed off on Thursday with the hashtag #cansecocomet.

Jose Conseco's Twitter rant comes after he accidentally shot off his finger last month with a gun at his home. JoseCanseco via twitter Jose Conseco's Twitter rant comes after he accidentally shot off his finger last month with a gun at his home.

Perhaps tomorrow we’ll see Mark McGuire opine on the political allegories in the Wizard of Oz and on Saturday maybe the Twitterverse will get a dose of Sammy Sosa talking about quantum physics.

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