Supreme Court Taps Brakes on HB2, 13 Abortion Clinics Reopen for Now

Stephen Young
Late Tuesday afternoon, the Supreme Court cleared the way for reopening 13 abortion-providing health clinics that shuttered following an October 2 ruling by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that allowed Texas to begin enforcing the most draconian portions of House Bill 2, the state's 2013 anti-abortion measure. While being hailed as good news by pro-choice advocacy groups, the court order is likely only a temporary road block for Texas anti-choice supporters.

See also: The 5th Circuit Gave Every Woman in Texas the Middle Finger Thursday Night

The October 2 5th Circuit ruling allowed the state to enforce HB2 as the state appealed a lower court decision overturning the law. The circuit has not heard oral arguments yet in the appeal, but its granting of the stay means it, or at least the three-judge panel that issued the stay, believes that Texas will prevail in its appeal.

When it does, HB2 will officially become the law of the land in Texas. We know what that means. There will be eight health clinics in the state that can legally provide abortions, one for each 675,000 reproductive-aged women in the state. For now, 21 will be open, still less than half the 44 providers open before any part of HB2 became effective. (The bill's requirement that any doctor performing abortions have admitting privilages at a hospital within 30 miles of his or her clinic led to the earlier closings.)

See also: The Future of Women's Healthcare in Texas Looks Bleak. What's Next?

The SCOTUS order indicates division on the court over the issue. While a vote on removing the stay was not recorded, the order indicates that Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito wanted the stay to remain in place.

The SCOTUS ruling suggests the highest court will eventually take the case. If it does, it would give the right-tilting court the chance to reconsider Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that guaranteed abortion was a private matter to be kept between a woman and her doctor.

At least until the 5th Circuit's final ruling in the appeal, women in Texas will only have partially restricted access to abortion, rather than extremely limited access.


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leaves the door open for more Gosnells

everlastingphelps topcommenter

The SCOTUS ruling suggests the highest court will eventually take the case.

That's probably going a little far.  It really means that they think that with the stay in place, there would be irreparable harm if they decide to take the case.

It would be very much in line with the SCOTUS to keep the status quo, let it go through the 5th circuit, and then deny cert.

mavdog topcommenter


leaves the door open for more Gosnells

Please explain how the requirement for an ASC facility or hospital admitting priviledges has anything to do with experiencing another Gosnell..


@mavdog I'm sure you're an intelligent being. do a little research on Gosnell then come back and ask why

mavdog topcommenter


So clearly there is nothing that a requirement for an ASC facility or hospital admitting priviledges would do with experiencing another Gosnell.

I wonder why you made the assertion about having a "door open for more Gosnells".

oh well. must have been an error on your part.


@mavdog let's see now IIRC Gosnell didn't have privileges at any hospital near his "clinic" and the EMT equipment couldn't make it down the hallways of his "clinic"
now if PA had had similar requirements as Texas the likelihood of Gosnell happening probably wouldn't have
here are some articles about Gosnell in case you aren't aware of what happened there.
and here is a similar case from Delaware

but hey if you're okay with women receiving abortions in sub-standard facilities go for it

mavdog topcommenter


even if the Gosnell clinic was ASC compliant, and if Gosnell had admitting privileges at a Pennsylvania hospital, he could have committed the crimes he did, could have infected the patients as he did, the patient could have still died as she did, Gosnell could have done everything he is accused of doing.none of the articles you linked contradict this fact.

just like Duntsch, the back surgeon who worked out of Baylor Plano, who harmed his patients. a bad doctor, an evil doctor, is not prevented from harming patients merely because of the facilites they work out of, or the hospital that grants them privileges.

the Gosnell case means zero to the issue of ASC facilities or admitting privileges.


btw all abortion centers in TX were already regulated and inspected.

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