In Parker County, an Executed Dog and 10 Orphaned Puppies

Categories: Animal Welfare

In case the almost six full days that have elapsed since a gunman killed six students at the University of California at Santa Barbara has allowed for the reemergence of some positive feelings about humanity, then allow the Parker County Sheriff's Department to strangle those warm fuzzy feelings with a piano wire.

According to a department news release, deputies were called to Springtown at around 6:30 Wednesday morning to a report of a dog in a cage that was partially blocking Raley Road.

The dog, a red shepherd mix with a black muzzle, about 3 years old and a malnourished 35 pounds, was dead, having been shot in the head.

Her 10 puppies were not. Deputies found them in the cage, covered in their mother's blood, still nursing.

Sheriff Larry Fowler does a pretty solid job of summarizing the situation in the news release:

Parker County does not have an animal problem. We have a people problem. It's hard to imagine that someone would be so cruel as to execute any animal, but to kill a dog with nursing babies, and leave such a gory picture, is beyond human imagination.

The puppies, 7-9 days old, were taken to a place called Angels & Outlaws 2nd Chance Bully Ranch in Hico, where they are being hand-nursed. The department is offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the executioner.

The one piece of good news, if you can call it that, is that the 11 elementary-age kids on the school bus whose driver first found the cage didn't see the carnage.

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Vigilante justice for whoever killed that dog while it was nursing puppies needs to be an eye for an eye. 

This is beyond inhumane.  This is satanic.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

As I was leaving home this morning I noticed that my across-the-road neighbors had seemingly acquired a cute new pup. Looks to be a Shepherd-mixed with a little Chow, maybe. Anyway, The woman that lives there was leaving about the same time, so I mentioned how cute I thought he was and she immediately offered him to me, explaining that they had arrived home Monday night from their weekend to discover him inside their fenced yard.

This happens on a regular basis out here on Old Mattress Rd. What is the matter with people?

Taking naming suggestions.


It's hard to comprehend this kind of depravity. There is a special place in Hell for people who could do something so horrific and evil. I hope this psychopath gets there soon.


Wow, of course this kinda thing could never happen in texas where we respect life and all.


@noblefurrtexas No I am pretty sure even Satanist treat animals with more respect than this.


@TheCredibleHulk This seems to be a problem in a lot of rural areas. You will have people drive out there and dump dogs. This is incredible cruel and causes lots of problems for the people in rural areas. If the dog survives, it usually joins a pack and goes feral. Then, it is a danger to the farm animals and people who live in the area.

It is much kinder to turn the animal over to a local animal shelter. There, if it is not adopted, at least it will be humanely killed. 


@TheCredibleHulk  Great.  We acquired a pup in about the same way.  We named her Karma. In our area people will drop off female pit bulls, about one every other block in hopes that some one will take them in.  Karma was only 8 weeks old when she came right to our front door.  Such incredible joy. 

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Gratuitous and unnecessary swipe at texans and, I assume, pro-lifers.

CogitoErgoSum topcommenter

@TheRuddSki Weird, or just a non sequitur. Murderous rampage in another state linked to animal cruelty here? I mean, I know paid writers have a tough time making a story as common as this seem fresh, but let's not just vomit on the keyboard and call it acceptable, Eric.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter


The loyalty shown by that dog to the POS that was trying to abandon it is amazing and tragic.

I don't suppose Sohn even possesses enough of a soul to let it trouble him much further than being inconvenienced a small bit by the ruckus he's created due to being captured on film.

I suppose the best we can hope is that other would-be abandoners will be somewhat less likely to dump-and-run if they have to worry about being caught on film and having to explain their heartless actions.

I think I'm going to get a web-cam to mount on my yard-light pole to monitor the cul-de-sac for these assholes.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@TheRuddSki ... if God wanted Texans to Ski, he would have made Bullshit white.



Snarky and sarcastic, but not unnecessary. Just trying to burst the bubble of the monilithic smugness over these issues. Individuals are ultimately the cause and deserve the blame.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Eric approached the mention the same way NPR covered the story.

A killing rampage in which most of the victims were stabbed to death, according to NPR, was a "shooting spree", and Eric worked in "gunman".

Both technically accurate, but with obvious bias.

Maybe he was trolling the "NRA has blood on its hands" scolds.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Good idea - make sure to angle it so you'll capture license plate if you can.

Or, you could sit out there with a shotgun with rock-salt.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter


I lived for a while in a rural area and had a big problem with people dumping dogs.  I always wanted to catch some one in the act, strip them naked and dump them somewhere in the deep woods and go; "You are a human, you can fend for yourself."


Line up some vedors and we'll do it.

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