
Journalism in the Public Interest


Red Cross

After Superstorm Sandy, Americans opened their wallets to the Red Cross. They trusted the charity and believed it was up to the job. They were wrong. More »

The charity is fighting our public records request for information on how it raised and spent money after the superstorm. More »

The office of Attorney General Eric Schneiderman sought details on how the charity spent donations after the super-storm, but the information was never released. More »

Donors gave $312 million after the storm, but it’s not clear how exactly the money was spent. More »

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10 Disturbing Things ProPublica Learned Investigating the Red Cross’ Sandy Relief Efforts

How did so much go so wrong? 10 disturbing findings from ProPublica's investigation.

Help Us Report On The American Red Cross

If you've worked for the Red Cross, or received assistance from the organization, we'd like to talk to you.

Ask ProPublica Anything About Our Red Cross Investigation

Our reporters are opening up their investigation into the Red Cross, its disaster relief efforts and where it failed. Join the discussion.

The Red Cross’ Secret Disaster

After Superstorm Sandy, Americans opened their wallets to the Red Cross. They trusted the charity and believed it was up to the job. They were wrong.

Red Cross Reverses Stance on Sandy Spending “Trade Secrets”

The charity has released some new details on how it spent over $300 million raised after the storm.

Red Cross: How We Spent Sandy Money Is a ‘Trade Secret’

The charity is fighting our public records request for information on how it raised and spent money after the superstorm.

N.Y. Attorney General Pressed Red Cross on Post-Sandy Spending, Then Retreated

The office of Attorney General Eric Schneiderman sought details on how the charity spent donations after the super-storm, but the information was never released.

Long After Sandy, Red Cross Post-Storm Spending Still a Black Box

Donors gave $312 million after the storm, but it’s not clear how exactly the money was spent.

$10 Million Fine on Red Cross Highlights Its Troubled History of Blood Services

The nation’s largest supplier of blood has been hit with yet another big fine for longstanding problems with its blood services.

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