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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Money & Policy

Liberia President, Citing Ebola Gains, Ends State of Emergency

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf said she would not extend the state of emergency, which had angered critics.

The Upshot

The Jonathan Gruber Controversy and Washington’s Dirty Little Secret

It’s common for laws to be structured in ways that might not be very efficient but sound good for political consumption.

Health Officials Reassess Strategy to Combat Ebola in Liberia

As the rate of new infections has slowed, American and Liberian officials are debating whether to shift money that was planned for the centers into other programs to combat future outbreaks.

U.N. Seeks a More Nimble Response to Ebola in Africa

The organization has struggled to keep up with the spread and decline of the disease in specific localities.

The Upshot

Shortage of Medicaid Doctors? Not if You Ask Patients

Government inspection reports about limited access to Medicaid tell a different story than surveys of actual patients.

New HealthCare.gov Opens Early to Allow for Review of Plans

The Obama administration said that people would be able to compare their options beginning Monday and that the site was now easier to use.

Needing to Hire, Chief of V.A. Tries to Sell Doctors on Change

Robert A. McDonald, secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, has been courting medical students, young doctors and nurses as he seeks to add 28,000 workers to the department.

The Upshot

What’s at Stake in Supreme Court’s Latest Health Care Case

King v. Burwell could have big implications for middle-income people in 36 states, but it is not a threat to the entire law.

The Upshot

Just Because a Policy Causes a Death Spiral Doesn’t Mean It’s Unsustainable

A ruling against the government in King v. Burwell could make a mess of many states’ insurance markets. That mess could persist for years.

Global Health
Global Health

A Rare Form of Malaria Is Spreading in Malaysia

In part of Borneo, a parasite called Plasmodium knowlesi causes severe malaria three times as often as Plasmodium falciparum, which has long been considered the deadliest form of the disease, new research suggests.

Global Health

H.I.V. Patients in Yemen Face Hospital Evictions

Patients infected with H.I.V. are being ordered out of hospitals in Yemen, even when they are in dire need of care, a human rights group says.

Global Health

Latrines May Not Improve Health of Poor Children

A major study in India has stunned advocates of latrine building by showing that it may do little good.

Global Health

Steroids Are No Boon to World’s Poorer Women

Giving steroids to women who are about to give birth prematurely may be useless or even dangerous in poor countries where most women give birth at home.

Room for Debate

Making Vaccination Mandatory for All Children

Should parents no longer be allowed to get religious or philosophical exemptions from having their children immunized?

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