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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Video Games

Jean Chung for The New York Times

The extent to which video games have become part of mainstream culture in South Korea may be a sign of things to come in the West.

Video Game Review

In This Future War, Soldiers Are Part Superhero

The new video game Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare stars Kevin Spacey and finds players on a battlefield far in the future.

Casting the Single-Player Movie Star

Kevin Spacey, who plays Francis Underwood in the Netflix series “House of Cards,” portrays a nefarious defense contractor in the video game Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.

Critic’s Notebook

Old-School Horror and Its Reliable Chills

It’s good to be scared: Simple, pleasing terror returns in Alien: Isolation, The Evil Within and P. T.

Video Games

Reviews: Fifa 15, The Sims 4, Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Murasaki Baby and Bayonetta 2

Reviews of new video games.

Honky-Tonk Tchaikovsky? ‘Fantasia’ Game Offers a Way

In Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved, developers at the video game company Harmonix build on Walt Disney’s classic 1940 animated film.

Feminist Critics of Video Games Facing Threats in ‘GamerGate’ Campaign

The atmosphere has become so toxic that critics and developers are urging big companies in the $70-billion-a-year video game industry to do more to stop it.

Video Game Review

A Vengeful Ranger Full of Attitude and on a Mission

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor is a new role-playing game set in the “Lord of the Rings” world.

Video Game Review

Enemies Beyond the Ends of the Earth

Destiny, a science-fiction game from Activision and Bungie, is new but already on pace to become a billion-dollar success.

Churchill Downs to Buy Big Fish Games for Up to $885 Million

Churchill Downs, which owns casinos and racetracks, has become the latest company to make a bold move into mobile game.

Fall Arts Preview - Times 100

How to wade through the crush of culture coming your way this season? Here’s a guide to 100 events that have us especially excited, in order of appearance.

Have You Experienced Sexism in the Gaming Industry?

The New York Times would like to hear how sexism and gender issues have affected your experience with gaming.